19.Call To Arms// Eric's P.O.V.

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Eric’s P.O.V.

“So class, as this term comes to a closing.” Mrs. Eleanor called out to the class from her pedestal. “And that means the ever-so-intimidating Talent Show is coming as well.”

I felt my heart-rate double as I clung onto every word the teacher was saying, the only thing I would allow myself to get distracted by is Cam’s shaking hands. I took one in mine and gave it a reassuring squeeze. I turned back to the teacher, my attention divided.

“By Wednesday, I’d like to know your partner or group if you have one, and the piece you will be performing. Remember, you are not limited in choices as all senior music classes are involved and you are allowed to go en route with any musical genre. If you have any questions regarding this, please feel free to ask before the good ol’ hump day.” She bowed and removed herself from the large room and into her office, even though her door was open, the class erupted in conversation.

“Do you want to hang out at my place tonight?” I turned to Cam and squeezed her hand again.

Her body seemed to deflate with relief; I think she thought I was going to ask if she wanted to be my partner. But no, I had to actually have a private conversation with her regarding this matter. I can’t have people listening, especially when anyone could be one of Maya’s little spies.

“Sure,” she nodded. “Are you cold?”

I noticed I was shivering, “Yeah, I’m fine.”

“Is your Dad going to be home?” she asked, I noticed a slight blush creep up her neck and flood her cheeks as she asked me this.

“No, he has a night shift that starts at 3 and ends at 1 in the morning.” I replied, I knew she wasn’t going to ask for the unnecessary details but I knew it would put her mind at ease.

“When am I going to meet him?” Cam asked again.

“Since when are you into older dudes?” I teased, Cam smiled a little bit but then her face fell once again.

“Sorry, it was stupid to ask.” She said ominously, and that’s when the bell rang.

I didn’t know what else to say other than, “I’ll meet you at your locker.”


“Why the fuck didn’t you pick up your phone?” I practically yell at Anthony once I find it him at the end of lunch. He was sitting in a close-ended part of the computer lab, working on his mixes.

“I’m not your girlfriend,” Anthony replied, removing the remaining headphone in his left ear.

“That’s what I’ve been trying to ask you! If you’ll do me the honor of being my bae!” I exclaimed sarcastically.

“What’s up? Sorry, my mom took my phone, and my laptop, apparently I blast my music too loud.” Anthony rolled his eyes. “Now I have to deal with this shit computer.”

“I was wondering why you were here,” I noted, nodding my head.

“So what’s the earth shattering news?” Anthony asked, I had to take a deep breath.

“I had sex with her,” I said simply, saying I lost my virginity seemed to childish.

“What the fuck?” Anthony practically yelled, thankfully no asshole would waste their time in the shitty computer lab during lunch.

“It’s bad,” I muttered, I sat down beside him and put my head in my hands.

“First of all, creds are due.” Anthony slapped me on the back.

Two's Too Many // Eric Secharia FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now