26. Bones Exposed// Cam's P.O.V.

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Cam’s P.O.V.

 I began to think I must’ve done something completely amazing in another life to deserve someone like Eric. Looking back on everything that’s happened in our relationship- can I call it that? –I can confirm that I would never, in a million years, deserve such an amazing guy.

And I love him, I really do. And I confessed that to him, and I knew, the way he looked at me and responded when I said it… that some part of him feels the same way. Whether he said it back or not.

“Morning,” my mother greeted me at the breakfast table before school the Monday after the amazing Friday I’d spent with Eric. We’d barely talked since that night, but he explained how he had to help his friend out early Saturday morning and how his Dad needed help around the house. But I was excited to see him in music class, especially now that our song was mostly finished and the show was this Friday. We had a shot, and I believed in us.

“Morning,” I replied, giving my mother a genuine smile.

“What’s this I see?” My father asked, entering the room and kissing me on the cheek. “A smile bestowed upon my daughter’s face?”

“A rare sight indeed,” I countered, sticking my tongue out at him as he filled a bowl of his favorite Lucky Charms cereal. My father smiled at my mother and she blushed, I swear them interacting like this was rarer than me smiling.

“I think this Eric guy has changed our daughter,” My mother grinned at me. I didn’t know if I wanted to hug her or slap her or both.

“For better or for worse?” I asked before taking a mouth full of peanut butter and jam on toast.

“She already has her vows written!” Dad squealed, you could’ve gotten him mistaken for a twelve year old.

“I hate you both,” I sneered before placing my dishes in the sink. “I should get going.”

“It’s so early,” my father recognized.

“Yeah… I don’t really have a ride to school anymore.” I admitted. I know Eric would’ve drove me if I asked, but he didn’t know that Cora drove me and  I really didn’t want to bother him. He’s already done so much for me, even if he realized it or not.

“What happened to you and Cora?” My dad asked, my mother kept to herself. She didn’t interest herself in my social life, but she knew about Cora. But I think she didn’t find herself in the right place to ask about her.

“Doesn’t matter,” I shrugged, grabbing my messenger bag from the table.

“Do you need a ride?” My father offered, I looked at him and nodded.


“So I’m going to be an insecure father for a moment,” my dad started once we pulled into the parking lot. Thankfully I still had about 20 minutes until class started.

“I’ve never been more excited,” I said smoothly, turning to face him.

“This Eric fellow…” My father started.

“Is a really nice guy dad,” I finished. I touched his hand and smiled. “Mom even likes him, doesn’t that count for something?”

“Not really,” my dad joked. “I just, I know how bad some of those kids are to you. And I don’t want some boy distracting you from your music and your studies.”

“No dad, if anything,” I sighed. “If anything he’s helped me.”

“What do you mean? You don’t need to be so cryptic with me.” My dad laughed, but he settled into a comforting smile that made me trust him. Have you ever heard the saying you fall in love with someone who resembles your father? Well I see Eric in my father’s smile, and vice versa.

“There’s this… Show. On Friday. It’s a Talent Show for the musically gifted and it’s my exam… I’m doing the show with Eric. That’s what we were doing before mom came home, we were practicing for it. We came up with a song and everything, a really good one might I add, and we’re performing it together. The Grand Prize is a scholarship to Julliard, which is going to Eric anyway. But still, it means a lot to me and… I don’t know… I was hoping you could come and see me play.” I took in a large breath when I finished and offered my father a smile. He didn’t say anything for a couple of seconds, and just when I started to get nervous he replied.

“Of course I’ll go,” my dad said.

“That’s it?” I scoffed. “For a writer you sure are a man of few words.”

“I just, I don’t understand why you never applied for Julliard, but you opted for studying the history of music instead. Why judge music when you play so beautifully?” My father shook his head. “I chased my dreams of becoming a writer Cam, and I’ll be damned if my daughter doesn’t do the same.”

“Dad…” I started; I bit my bottom lip and resisted the urge to cry.

“Is it too late to apply?” My father asked. “Money isn’t an issue Cam.”

“It’s not money I’m worried about,” I said carefully.

“Then what are you afraid of?” My dad frowned; I felt my stomach twist in knots.

“Embarrassment,” I replied honestly. “Failure.”

“Cam…” My dad shook his head and looked out the front window.

“Whatever,” I said, opening up the car door.

“Cam,” my dad said quickly, I just left the car though, my face heated in embarrassment. I kept walking towards the school and finally located the closest bathroom. I entered the first stall and pressed my forehead against the inside of the door while locking it. I felt like crying and hitting something and laughing because of how stupid I was being. Why was I so upset? For having to face the truth? This was ridiculous; facing my fears wasn’t one of my favorite pass times.

It wasn’t too late to apply to Julliard, really it wasn’t. But there was some part of me that was just too nervous to go to such a prestigious college, to have to be held on a pedestal with all of the other people there. But who was I kidding? I wasn’t anything special, I was just Cam Stirling.

I thought about my dad talking about how he chased his dreams of becoming a writer, and I felt like crawling into a hole. He was right, I was the daughter of a famous writer. I was the daughter of someone who knew what he wanted and was willing to move mountains to get what he wanted. Whether it was his career or keeping his family together, he strived to reach his goals.

I slowly regained my composure and wiped away a couple of stray tears that had fallen when I was lost in my thoughts. I opened the door and walked up to the sink, taking a good look at myself. I remember that this girl, my reflection, was the person my father believed in, the musician and girl Eric believed in.

I was who I believed in.

I splashed some cold water on my face and took a couple of steady breaths before leaving the bathroom and going to my locker.

Luckily I had a friendly face waiting for me there.

“Hey there,” Eric smiled at me before pulling me in for a kiss.

“I love the P.D.A,” I said jokingly, Eric just smiled and allowed me to enter my locker. I tried to avoid looking at him as he looked at me but it proved to be an impossible task. “What are you looking at?”

“My girlfriend,” Eric replied boldly. I felt my heart become lodged in my throat.

“Girlfriend?” I countered, I tried to cover my shock with a confident smile.

“I don’t want to be an idiot and say ‘is that okay?’ so please don’t make me,” Eric laughed.

“I’ll be your girlfriend if you’ll be my boyfriend,” I replied tauntingly.

“Deal,” Eric nodded.

“Deal,” I swallowed and took his hand in mine. He squeezed it and I swear that gave me all the confidence in the world.

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