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Now, I know what you're thinking; that this will be another one of those over done rants about how all society's problems effect me because I'm chubby.

Naaah, that's not what my angle is here.

I'm talking about the world, and the systems within our society that our designed to screw us over.

Now the concept of society, of community, is beautiful. It really is.

But the concept of society isn't society itself, it's an idealisation, a romanticised version of the overly flawed society our earth lives in.

Our planets true society is the deadly competitiveness and the huge lack of cohesion between humanity. Full of wars, hatred, resentment, unreliability and distrust. It sounds cliché, but we are all the human and the lack of simple connections between fellow human beings is ridiculous.

You hear casual racism, homophobia, religious discrimination and the like, you hear people complaining about other people coming into their country because apparently that particular part of earth, that tiny miniscule part of earth, on a tiny rock, in an infinite space is not available to them because they were born a little bit far away. Now maybe one day this could cause a problem,  mainly over population (despite the fact a tiny circle of the earth in East Asia contains more people than the REST OF THE EARTH) However right now, it's mostly pointless media generated xenophobia.

They turn people's heads to irrelevant things, unrelated subjects that they haphazardly link together.

"Collapsing economy? Blame the immigrants, the people with no money trying to work and build a life,  not the millionaires who dodge their taxes and run our country."

And this is such a huge worry in the tabloid newspapers, they shove irrelevant problems into the heads of a country of manipulatable people at the whim of the media to distract them from the bigger things.

Say they focus on a single politician, one corrupt politician.

That corrupt polotician will be fine, they're most likely rich with multiple houses and a heart so cold they won't need to pay for a freezer.

Or instead they'll just focus on a gay celeb, a cheating celeb, a high celeb, a drunk celeb, celeb, celeb, celeb, celeb, celeb, celeb. The word lost it's meaning yet? It did for me a long time ago.

But the tabloid headlines focus on these things, or just not the failing government as a whole.

And many governments are made from groups of people acting on selfish impulses because power has gotten to them, playing with people's desires and fears to merge each individual into one large puppet with a voice they control. They have power. They have the power to push themselves further up the ladder, leaving the country they don't care about behind. What's wrong with our society, is that many of the people with the power, who we try to rely on to help us, use it to help themselves.

Because this lust and desire for power is the basis of the modern day human. That's why our society is fucked up.

I apologise if I have offended anyone here, I just got annoyed.

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