Chapter 3

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We got my car and we went to Robin's house to see if Roland was there, but it wasn't.
"Maybe he is with the merry mans"
"I don't think so, they are hunting today, let's have a look in Granny's" said Robin.
"He wasn't there. Maybe he is with Mary Margaret and David."
We went to their house, and Emma opened the door.
"Hi Emma, is there anybody else inside?"
"Ehm.. No"
" Well, i think I am someone" said Hook who was walking down the stairs.
" Where you..?" I tried to ask.
"No, we were just... i was going to cook some tacos, if you want..." said Emma inmediatly, but I saw Hook hiding a smile.
"No thankyou, So there is nobody apart of you two?" Asked Robin.
"Mary Margaret and David are with Neal and Henry in the park, so..."
" Ok thankyou"
We went inmediatly in the park, and i saw Henry reading his book to Neal, who was sleaping in David arms.
"Regina!" Mary Margaret was the first one that saw me.
" Hello, sorry for interrupting, but we are searching Roland, Robins son. Have you seen him?"
" No, sorry..."
"Actually, I did" said Henry " I saw him with that women from the past. She was trying to go eith him somewhere, but he escaped."
"Have you seen where he went? And what did Marian do after he escaped?"
" Well, the boy runed in the direction of your house, mum, and Marian was really angry, but she didn't try to catch Roland."
"Thankyou Henry."
We started walking to my house, and when we were enough far of the Charming family, Robin stoped me.
" Regina I really want to say you thankyou"
"For all you are doing for me"
"Robin, it doesn't matter, and I can't let a little boy be lost."
" I didn't mean what you are doing to find Roland. Of course i am saying thankyou for this too, but this is only a small part"
" And what did you mean?"
" These days i have been with Marian, i really saw how much I love you, and I i understood that without you, I am nothing."
" Oh, Robin... I don't know what to say..."
"Then, don't say anything"
He grabbed me in the waist and pulled me to him for giving me a gentle kiss on my lips.
It was more than a kiss. With it, we were saying all the thing we were not able to say with words.

We found Roland sitting in front of my door. He was crying.
"Roland, what had happened?"
"Papy!!" Robin huged Roland and calmed him.
"Marian said you didn't want to be with me anymore, so I had to go with her, but I didn't wanted!"
"Don't worry, of course I want to be with you, you are my son!"
"And why did she say that?"
"Because she is very confused, all the things here are new for her, she doesn't understand anything" said Robin. They were very cute. Roland in Robin's arms, it was something very lovely.
"Can you make me a promise papy?"
"Yes of course. Which one?"
" You have to promise me, you will never leave me alone."
"I promise that I will always be with you, Roland. And if someday something bad happens to me, you have Regina, she will take care of you, or not?" Asked Robin looking at me with a smile.
"Yes of course, but don't worry, nothing bad will happen to you or your dad as long as I am here."
"Thankyou Regina" said Roland shyly.
I smiled, and I huged Roland and Robin at the same time.
"And what about Marian?"
"Don't worry Roland, i will make sure she doesn't try to take you again."
"I completly forgot about Marian! Where do you think she is?" Asked Robin.
"I don't know, but we have to find her. Maybe she went to your house."
We went all together to Robin's house.
At first, we didn't see anything, but then Robin saw a paper with somethin written in it.
"What does it say?" I asked
" It's from Marian, she says she is not happy because everything has changed and nobody loves her. She wants a second change, a new life, so she is going to cross the border of Storybrooke"

A/N Hi! Thankyou so much for reading :) i really don't like it, but i like the solution I found for Marian, I think it's a good one because she can be happy too.
Comment and say what you think please :)

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