Chapter 2

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I walk up to the receptionist and notice she's around my age. She's pretty with dirty blonde hair, hazel coloured eyes and freshly manicured blood red fingernails. She sports a formal knee length skirt, blouse and a coat. She is on a call whilst two other telephones continue to ring beside the third. She quickly takes a notepad and jots down a number. After which she puts the phone down, let's out a heavy sigh and looks up to me and smiles, her tired eyes say she'd rather be sleeping than answering telephones and dealing with people right now. Poor thing.

"Good morning. I am supposed to meet with Mr Xaviers. I am the new Junior Writer," I say with a smile.

Her eyes widen and stands up from her seat.

"Oh, ma'am. You're Miss Sophia! I'm so sorry, ma'am, to keep you waiting. I am Leah. Let me call Mr Xaviers to let him know you're here."

"Uh, Leah, you can stop apologising and you may call me Sophia."

She nods and starts dialling up Mr Xaviers.

"Hi sir, Miss Sophia is here. Should I send her through? Uh-huh. Oh. Okay. Thank you sir. You too sir." She blushes towards the end of their conversation. She ends the call and looks up at me, "Take the elevator to the twelfth floor and Mr Xaviers P.A will take you to his office."

"Thank you so much Leah."

"You're welcome," She smiles. I walk over to the elevators and push a button. One's door opens and I step in and press '12'. The elevator has hexagon shaped mirrors in it, which I use to apply some lipstick. I slip my lipstick back into my backpack and wait for these doors to open. The elevator dings indicating we've reached the twelfth floor. The doors open and I step out and see a black haired girl with round glasses, formal bootlegged pants and a plain pink golfer, waiting in the foyer. She seems to sense my presence and looks in my direction.

"Hi, you must be Sophia, I'm Kylie, Mr Xaviers P.A." She extends a hand for a handshake, which I accept.  "Yeah, I am."

"C'mon, I'll show you to his office." I respond with a smile and start walking down the foyer until I stop at the call of my name by Kylie. I turn around and notice she is standing in the elevator. I tilt my head in confusion and walk back hesitantly to the elevators but do not step into it.

"Aren't you taking me to his office?" I question while pointing my thumb in the direction of the foyer.

"Yes, but it's on the thirtieth floor."

Woah! I swear, my jaw literally dropped to the ground and I bet my eyes were as wide as saucers.

"Yeah I know. That high." She says as she yanks me into the elevator.

"So how long have you been working here?" I ask.

"For about five months now. It's really a nice place to work at. Most of the employees here are good and friendly people. But you'll always get the one or two snobs who think highly of themselves. Oh and Mr Xaviers is one hot dude. Be careful, a lot of girls around here drool over him. He isn't the player type though. If anything, he is a real gentleman," she says all in one go.

"Oh, well, I don't think I'll have any issues though."

"Girl, you're going to be working with him. Let's see how your opinion changes then," Kylie winks, leaving me in confusion. I want to ask her what she meant but decide against it.

We finally reach the thirtieth floor and I still  want to find out what she meant by "working with him" but I leave that topic from another day. As I step out of the elevator though, I am gobsmacked by this view. You can see the whole of San Francisco!

"Sophia!" Kylie whisper yells and I clutch onto my backpack, feeling it slipping off my shoulder. She opens a door that says XAVIERS on it and walks in, not bothering to knock. I wait outside still blown away by the view. Soon, she comes out of his office and mouths to me "good luck" to which I smile in response. I push open the door slightly and walk in.

If you asked me what was better; the view of San Francisco from the thirtieth floor or this...

I'd pick this.

Any day.

My Xaviers was not the person I expected him to be. Two familiar bottle green eyes met with mine and I was in another sort of world. I mean,  who wouldn't get lost in those eyes.
Who would've thought the person I met-or bumped into, rather-at the reception would be the 'hot dude' Kylie was just referring to.

"Uh, hi?" I finally say which sounds more like a question and not a greeting.

"Hi," he speaks, "come in, take a seat."

I slowly take a few steps towards his oak wooden office table. I pull out a chair and take a seat in it. 

"So you're Mr Xaviers." I speak out as he takes a seat in his leather chairs and nods in my direction, a smirk adorning his beautiful face.

"Well, I'm Sophia," I say and extend my hand towards him. We shake hands and that's when he decides to speak, "Since we both know each other already, let's get down to some rules, shall we?"


* * * * * *


This chapter is a little short but I promise as the story progresses the chapters will get longer. Thanks.

Much love,


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