Chapter 4

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Pairing some high waisted jean shorts with a black T-shirt that says GIRL POWER and my black high-top Levis, I make my way downstairs. As usual, my family is gathered in the kitchen for breakfast. I take a seat next to Michael and serve myself bacon, eggs and toast. Breaking the comfortable silence as I reach for the orange juice, dad says something about the world cup.

"Sorry, what did you say?" I ask, clearly not hearing him the first time. He takes a sip of his black coffee, "I said, the world cup is coming up. Have you decided if you're going to write something on it?"

Okay, so I might have forgotten to tell them that I will be doing a full cover of the World Cup. It slipped my mind! It's not my fault the Brigadeiro cake was so tasty.

"Uh, actually I forgot to tell you guys. I'm going to be covering the world cup for the magazine," hesitantly I speak.

Dad, mom, grans and Michael's eyes widen.

"That's great bebé!" Gran says as she rounds the table to come hug me.

"Thanks Avó."

Everyone starts congratulating me and I can't deal with the attention so I stand up and grab my car keys from the counter. Yes, today I am taking my car to work.

"Okay, I'm going. See y'all later. Love y'all."

"Soso! Autograph!" Michael yells.
I laugh and nod.

I walk into the garage and get into my Subaru BRZ, feeling absolutely at home. Dad got me this car for my twentieth birthday and I was completely estatic.

I roar the engine to life, exit the garage and turn the radio on. I am utterly thankful for leaving home early because the traffic in San Francisco at 7:15 a.m is unbelievably crazy. Singing along to Better Now by Post Malone, I finally make it out of traffic and pull up at World Soccer Magazine's building. Hurriedly, I get out of the car, lock it and make my way into the air conditioned building.

I quickly stop the elevator doors from closing and enter it. Inside, there are two men and a lady. The men look like they are around their late thirties, both sporting suites. The lady however, looks at least forty five, with her blood red lipstick and slightly curled brown hair.

I smile awkwardly and wait until we've reached the thirtieth floor. Because apparently these people like staying in the elevator and would like for me to get out first. But I'm not complaining. It was getting really awkward.

I walk over to Calum's office and knock twice. After hearing a faint, "Come in," I enter and see that Calum's back is towards me. He is most probably enjoying the view. He turns around and I nearly jump at the sight. He had really bad dark circles under his eyes and his green eyes were so pale, I almost couldn't recognise them.

"Calum, are you okay?" I ask. He smiles but not a good smile.

"Can we talk?" He asks and I immediately nod my head and place my bag on one of the office chairs.

"I completed the new project that I had. I came in at five this morning. Around seven twenty, I got a call from my dad, back in London. He called to tell me that-" his breathing was begin in to get rigid as he lowered his head and never took his eyes off of the table.
"-that m-my mom...passed away," he pinches the bridge of his nose and begins to sob. I quickly rush over to him and pull him into a hug, rubbing his back slowly.

"I'm so sorry Cal," I say and tears start to swell in my eyes. That's my weakness. Whenever someone cries at the loss of someone dear-even if I don't know them-I'd cry too. He let's his arms hang loosely around my waist, his face buried in the crook of my neck.

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