Chapter 32

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By the time Renit and I make it to the training room, Piper is already there and taking out her impatience on a guard who was unlucky enough to pass by while boredom consumed her. She moves in fluid motions, blocking attacks with her sword before delivering her own. She doesn't have to use her power to her advantage; fighting based on her own skill.

Piper's strength doesn't surprise me. She's coursed with used muscle and the upkeep for that is more training I'll have in my entire lifetime. But Piper; if the king were to send her out today, she'd be ready for the battlefields. She fights with loathing for her enemy and doesn't back down when the challenge of death threatens her being.

Renit clears his throat as she wipes the sweat from her brow. The guard thanks us with a silent bow of dismissal. Had he gone on any longer, he might leave with more injuries than what training is worth.

"Took you long enough," Piper pants. She sheaths her sword at her hip and pulls out a handkerchief to wipe the sweat from her hands and the droplets coming dangerously close to her eyes.

"Someone decided it would be smart to start a brawl in the kitchens with Darius." Renit gives me a pointed look but I won't back down from his withering gaze. I stand up straighter when Piper grins.

"I knew there was some fire in you. It was only a matter of time before someone put him in his place. What did you do to him?" She questions.

Renit tenses at my side and I force myself to rein in that excitement so I don't make either of us look like fools. Be professional, but don't fear to have a little fun. My mother's words when she explained my role of Arego passing through lineage. Likely never, with her immortal lifespan but also in her words: if anything happens. I can't bear thinking about those words now. I'm left without my parents and Arego, they've both slipped through my fingertips before I could fully grasp them.

"I hit him in the face with one of the metal trays," I mutter, rocking back and forth on my heels. Even Renit can't hold back a smile; he wasn't there to see it happen. The explanation from Silas was enough—and the laughter shared afterward. He came to Renit's chambers while I was cleaning the blood from the prince's face and offered to explain his side of the story. To my benefit, of course.

Piper tips her head back and laughs. "I'm guessing that's where you got the collar of bruises?" She points towards my neck, not at all fazed.

"And also where Renit got his bloody knuckles from." I bring up the prince's hand to reveal the evidence and Piper presses her lips together, impressed.

"Nothing but mischief, you two." She claps her hand together. "Besides that, although I would love to hear more, it's time to get started. Today we are going outside and Renit will let his power take control. Roux, your job will be to get him out of it."

We both nod, obeying, and she leads us outside. Many stare, whispering about the altercation this morning in the kitchens, but they keep their distance. The same can't be said for Dalis, who was already feared by castle residents, per Renit's words. She has always been dangerous and has stopped every single altercation over the past one hundred years—long before I was born. No one picks a fight with her and Darius learned long ago to never step into those kitchens unless he desires a major dousing.

The sun beats down on our necks in the familiar clearing. Is it common knowledge to train here or did Renit suggest it to Piper? I don't bother asking, the answer won't please or disappoint me.

We stop in the middle, ready for our orders.

Piper fishes two necklaces out of her pocket and hands one over to both of us. In my hand, the nuummite carved into the shape of a smooth oval is hefty. The gold casing edges the stone and sharp points jut out around the entire surface, like a protective shield against attackers.

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