Chapter 13

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It's been a week since the boys talked. They were both desperate to talk to each other they just didnt know what to say until....

Jimin: Yoongi, are you okay?

When the older saw the message he instantly felt relieved.

Yoongi: Hey Chim and yea i'm okay i guess

He lied he just didnt want the Younger sad or feel bad he made Yoongi hurt himself

Jimin: I'm really sorry i asked why

Yoongi: its not your fault that you were curious

Jimin: Still I shouldn't have expected you to tell me after i didn't tell you

Yoongi: i am not here to force you to tell me every sad or hurtful thing that happened in your life so don't feel bad okay chimchim?

The Younger felt tears coming but tried to stop them so he could text back the loving, caring, warmhearted older that he loved.

Jimin: The reason I started cutting when i was 12 is because my dad was an alcoholic and he would always hurt me and my mom. I wanted to stand up to him so bad but i was always so scared that he would beat me down until i was nothing but i big broken and bloody mess so i never did. It was so nice to have my mom. It was just the two of us against my dad until she stared drinking with my dad then she would start encouraging the beatings every time. Thats when i started to cut. When my parents turned against me. When my mom turned against me. I felt alone and i couldn't tell anyone at school or else my dad would hurt me. One day i tried telling the school what happened. When I got home I saw my parents were both home which wasn't all that common but when i went inside the first thing i felt was a punch to the stomach and then another. I after woke up from passing out during the beating i ran upstairs into the bathroom to wash my wounds. It became a routine after that. I would get home, get a beating then wash every speck of dried blood off. I would have to stay home sometimes to wait for my face wounds to heal but that didnt happen much since he would focus on my lower body. I never really knew why he would do this or why my mom would never try and stop him. I just thought that they hated their life and they didnt know what to do with all the bad feelings that they had so i said to myself as long as theyre happy after hitting me then that is what I will do to help them. I became their own human punching bag. But when they found out that I was skipping school to go and dance they started using other things to beat me with. To try and stop me from doing it. When I was 16 they found that out. After i turned 17 I started to notice that this wasn't normal and it wasn't right. So i started boxing and i trained so hard sometimes because I wanted to beat my dad one of these times but i could never bring myself to do it. I focused hard on dancing. I still had a goal in life at that time but after some of the other school boys saw me dancing they started to call me names like twinkle toes or feather faggot cause i was light and im guessing they thought dancing was only for girls or something. Sometimes after school they would drag me into a small allay way to beat me up which only meant that i would get two beatings that day. It was just another reason for killing myself or at least trying to. The only thing that really stopped me from doing it completely was the thought 'If im gone who are my parents are going to hurt' I could only stop myself when i thought that. So i just said to myself when the cuts get to deep and i bleed out thats when i'll know that other people are safe. Its just how my life was and i planned on keeping it that way. When i turned 18 then it better about not beating me which I didn't really know why they stopped but i was just content with what they chose. And instead of beating me they were talking to me which felt nice. I didnt have to worry about skipping school to dance anymore because they would just let me go dance after school until 5;30. My mom got better at being my mom . My dad got better at controlling his anger and i guess you could say we were a 'happy family' but really we were just dysfunctional. but after I turned 19 it started to go down hill again but not to the point it was before just more fighting between all three of us. But then thats where everything went bad and i had my accident. So this is why I cut because i crave happiness if it is temperate it still helps so that why i do it. Its cause my parents will never be like normal parents and just keep there hands off me. i'm sure your disgusted bit i needed to tell you because i care about you and i don't want to hide anything from you Yoongi. And also dont think im telling you because i want you to tell me cause i don't.

Yoongi: Jimin....

Jimin: Thats my name don't ware it out :D

The younger was softly crying because he had to relive those moments to tell Yoongi. Jimin knew he needed to tell him

He loved him.  

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