December 1st - Snowball Wars

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"I'm so sorry, I accidentally nailed you in the face"


The snowball hit Jonathan on the side of his face, showering him in icy particles. He froze as he met the eye of the small child responsible, a wide grin spreading its way across his face. The girl squealed and took off, giggling loudly as she made her way back to the other kids.

It was the first snow of the season and all of the children had gathered for an epic neighbourhood snowball battle. Jonathan, who had never really been good at saying no to the little angels had been roped in immediately by a particularly cunning group of kids no older than 8, demanding that he build them the best snow fort in the world.

And so that's how he had wound up where he was: drenched and covered in snow, his nose and cheeks bright red from the cold, ready to get his revenge.

Bending down, Jonathan scooped up a handful of snow in his numb hands and started to creep forward slowly, the satisfying sound of crunching ice beneath his feet.

"I'll get you for that Ruby!"

He threw the snowball at the same time as the girl jumped behind a stranger in a red hoodie that Jonathan hadn't noticed walking down the street. He watched in horror as the snowball sailed through the air and hit the guy square in the face.

The stranger stopped and blinked a few times as the snow dripped down his face. He shook his head slowly causing a small shower of white to go cascading down around him.

Jonathan's brain switched back into action and he raised his hands, his mouth falling open in shock. "I-I'm so sorry!" He managed to gasp out.

The man in red turned slowly to face him and Jonathan gulped. Underneath the snow that speckled his face the man was gorgeous. His sleek black hair was styled in a faux hawk, his shoulders were broad and his arms were so muscular that Jonathan had no doubt that the guy could snap him in half if he wanted to.

Ruby peeked up at the stranger with a small smile on her face. "He got you!" She sing-songed, tugging lightly on the red hoodie. The guy grinned back down at her, revealing a set of perfectly straight white teeth and slightly chubby cheeks that made Jonathans stomach swoop.

"Do you think we should get him back?"

Ruby nodded enthusiastically, "Yeah!"

The man in red caught Jonathans eye before grinning again, bending down to scoop up some snow into his hands. Jonathan took the small window of opportunity and bolted behind a nearby tree, laughing loudly as he did. There was a soft thud as a flying snowball hit the tree trunk above him.

"This means war!" He cried, launching two snowballs after one another, first at Ruby and then at the stranger. Both missed their marking, causing the stranger to burst into a fit of laughter. Jonathan pouted and the man took advantage of his distraction to throw a well-aimed snowball at Jonathan's head.

Jonathan sputtered and wiped the snow off his face before deciding to take a different approach. He stepped out from behind the tree and ran directly at the guy in the red hoodie, figuring that the element of surprise would give him the upper hand.

As he ran his foot caught on a slippery part of the road, causing him to lose his balance and tumble backwards. He landed on his back rather ungracefully with a loud "Ooft" as the air left his lungs.

The guy in the red hoodie reacted immediately, racing to his side, only to slip on the ice himself, landing directly on top of Jonathan.


Jonathan gasped as the strangers full weight landed on top him and then began to laugh hysterically. The guy on top of him joined in rolling to side and staring up at the sky as he caught his breath.

"Dude you should've seen your face!"

Jonathan snorted, "You're the idiot who slipped over straight after the watching it happen to someone else."

"Oh yeah?" Came the reply, "You're the idiot who can't throw a snowball to save his life."

"Oh no you didn't!" Jonathan rolled over to find himself face to face witt the attractive stranger and he faltered for a second, his cheeks heating up and flushing an even darker shade of red. He watched as the guys brown eyes scanned his face, taking in Jonathans flushed cheeks before reconnecting with his crystal blue eyes.



The stranger gave a small smile, "I'm Evan."

Jonathan returned the smile, shivering slightly. "I'm cold. And Jonathan. My name's Jonathan."

Evan chuckled softly, pushing himself into a sitting position. "You wanna go grab a coffee to warm up?"

Jonathan sat up as well, brushing himself off. "Sure, but I'm buying. I owe you for hitting you with that first snowball which was a total accident I swear."

Evan reached over and brushed a few specks of snow that Jonathan had missed out of his hair, enjoying the way the younger guys cheeks flushed as he did. He was absolutely adorable, all flustered and nervous giggles and Evan desperately wanted to get to know him better.


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