Chapter 6 - Woah

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I woke up to see CDC, I couldn't believe my eyes.. I thought it would have been gone, wrecked at least but it looks intact..I felt butterflies in my stomach and saw I was still by Glenn, he looked so peaceful sleeping, like all his worry and stress had been washed away, I ran my hand through his hair and he woke up, "Hey you"

I smiled and said, "We are here" and I got up without hesitation but my stomach turned at the realisation, what if there wasn't anyone in there? My thoughts were interrupted

"Come on, let's see if we can get in." Rick shouted

I gladly obliged, grabbing my bow and pistol, walking towards the CDC the dead surrounded us and the stench was unbearable, I was by now used to it but Sophia was obviously not, her being sick and all the others were uneasy but we followed Rick, Shane was of course right next to 'his best bud' seriously that man made me sick, he has tried it on with me before, because I caught lori and him in the woods and his words were 'you can have some of this if you don't say anything' I wasn't going to say anything anyway because they had to think about Carl, and I didn't want to break Rick. But he made me sick, I almost shot him...

~ Flashback ~

I was making some arrows for my bow in a secluded place away from the group, I had to have full concentration and couldn't get that at the group, but they knew where it was, just incase I ran into trouble. My peace was interrupted when Shane came and sat at the log opposite me I didn't want to deal with him right now especially after finding lori and him in the woods, he was supposed to be ricks best mate, yeah best buds for life! (The sarcasm shines bright)

"Uh, you can have some of this," he motioned to his body, "if you don't say anything to Rick."

I scoffed and replied, " You think you're irresistible don't you? Think that everybody wants you, well news flash sunshine I don't want that, the sight of you makes me sick, now fuck off before I shoot you." I gave him a stern look and he got up and went to leave but I said,

"And for the record, I won't tell Rick, " a look of relief washed over his face and he goes to thank me but I cut him off and say,

"I'm not doing this for you, I'm doing this for Rick, he will not get broken, especially by me, you are going to do it, I'll give you a week if you haven't done it by then I will personally, understand? One week, Shane. You have to tell him, it doesn't matter that we live in a world of the undead, you are making love to your best friends wife and it isn't right. So, one week. Clear?" I raise an eyebrow and he says, "fine." Scoffs and walks off.



I know that my updates are short but I'm trying to make them longer or update twice in a day and I want to thank flatstanely for always voting for my stories! You're awesome dude :)

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