Flashback Author's Pov Part 1

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(2 Hours before the Car Crash)                

    Author 's Pov.                                                       

               For the past hour Yuri and Taeyeon had still been unloading the supplies and putting them back in the storage unit

“Taegoo ", Yuri said

" De ?" Taeyeon said

" How much of the supplies did you put in this truck " Yuri asked .

" I don't remember why ?"Taeyeon said .

" It's taking forever to finish this up ~ " Yuri groan

 " I wanna go home to my Sicababy ~"  she said

 " Don't you think that I wanna go home to my Fany too ! "  She yelled at Yuri .

Then Yuri replied  " Well if you really did wanna go home to ur Fany , then why did you pack some much stuff !?"  

" Ummm ... well she texted me last minute and I wasn't sure how much we needed ; so I grabbed  as much as I could , and left to meet up with you for the pick-up food ."

 Yuri faceplamed herself

" Aigoo what am I going to do with you Kim Taeyeon ?"   Yuri said  

" Ummm  be the kind and caring person you are and help your sweet and cool best friend out ?", Taeyeon coolly answered .

Yuri laughed at Taeyeon's answer " "Well come on let's get this done already." 

After 30 minutes or so Yuri and Taeyeon had finally finished and started on their way home .  

                  In the car they were laughing and talking like the old times .

" Hey you know " , Taeyeon said

" Know what ?"  Yuri said

 "It's almost our 7th anniversary with Fany and Sica " , Taeyeon said .

" Really ? That long ?", Yuri answered .

" Yup seven years with Fany ~ " Taeyeon said

" And seven years with Sicababy ~ " Yuri said

" Yeah what about it ? "  Yuri asked

" What are you going to do  ?"  

"I'm not going tell you " ,Taeyeon dorky answered .

" Why not !? ", Yuri said

" What's in it for me ?" Taeyeon asked

" Well I'll tell you what I'm going to do if you tell me ." Yuri answered

" You know I'm good at these things than you . Plus you'll might need help ."

Good point " Taeyeon

" Fine "

So they each whispered in each other's ear their plan for their lovers .

" Same here ! " They both yelled Turns out they had thought of the same thing. 

" It's odd how we think alike " Yuri said

" True " Taeyeon .

" Now let's get planning " Yuri said 

" roger that " Taeyeon answered . 

Later as their planning Taeyeon's phone rang

" Fany texted me "

" What she say " Yuri asked .

" She asked are we done with the truck yet ." Taeyeon said .

" Tell her that we 're  not done yet "  Taeyeon did as told .

" Well what she said now ? " Yuri asked

" She says that she and Sica can wait for us ."Taeyeon answered

" Ummm tell her that she and Sica to go home first and that we'll meet them at home when we're done .Oh! and write something that would make Tiffany blush too ." Yuri said

and Taeyeon did as told . " Done ! 

and now let's get this done " Taeyeon said .  

                         Meanwhile as they close to finishing up they decided to go home for now .On their way they as Yuri had the steering wheel a nearby truck was passing by and a red light showed up . They stopped and waited , the light then turned green and they began to move one turn later Yuri was getting tired and so was Taeyeon . They both could hardly keep their eyes open ; without noticing the next red light  a large red was passing .

" Yuri watch out !! " Taeyeon screamed

" Wait huh ? What ?  Gah ! " Yuri tired to turn the wheel but it was too late .

Their truck had crashed and had fell backwards. Minutes late they were rushed to the hospital .

" Sica ah ~"

"Fany ah ~ "

Yuri and Taeyeon had said before they were unconscious.

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