8th Night Picnic Part 2 An Unpleasant Night

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Tiffany's Pov

During the picnic Yuri decided to tickle Jessi causing her to laugh her head off ,which at first was fun to see but after hearing her special dophin scream going through my ears it wasn't fun anymore. " Yuri ~ " I said

" Stop tickling her, keep this up and my ears are gonna fall off ." I said complaining

" Not my problem Tiffany ." She said

" You have other problems to deal with than dealing with Sica's screaming ." Yuri said back smirking

" What other problems ?" I thought

" Fany ~ " I heard TaeTae calling me

" Yes TaeTae ." I answered her turning my neck around from complaining to Yuri about Jessi's screaming.

Before I could say anything else she cut me off with a kiss.

After a while we broke off the kiss needing some air.

" Fany~ your turning red ." Taeyeon said

" Nnno I'mmm not ~" I said in a blusing tone

" Cute ~ " Taeyeon said

" Stop tensing me TaeTae it's not funny." I said Pouting

" Aww Fany your sooo cute !" Taeyeon said before kissing and hugging me again.

Just then the candle lights went off after it came back on I could feel that a pair of arms was missing.

" TaeTae ?! " I said

" TaeTae! " I called out again.

Jessica's Pov

With the candle lights off I could feel that Yuri's arms were off from my waist " I can breathe again ." I said as I finally got myself together.

" Seobang ~" I said

no answer

then the lights came back on there was no slight of either Taeyeon and Yuri .

"Jessi " I heard Tiff call me.

" I can't find TaeTae anywhere ." She said in a worried voice

" She was just here with me then after the candles went out she was gone ." She said again.

" Same here " I said

" Where are they ?" I thought

Then came a car coming up from the road .

" Unnie ! There you are I was looking for you two everywhere !"

" Kystral ?" I said

" What are you doing here ? Shouldn't you be in your dorms right now ?" I asked

" The school gave us permissison to visit family and friends." She explained

" Why can't I visit my only sister ?" She asked in a pouting voice

" Ummm let me think about it for a sec ." I said back

" Unnie ~ " She complained

" Kidding ." I said giving her a hug.

" By any chance have you seen Yuri and Taeyeon around here or anywhere ?" I asked her

" Unnie ~" She said in a concern yet sad voice

" Both Taeyeon unnie and Yuri unnie pasted away 3 weeks ago remember ?" She said carefully ( Since she knows that Yuri and Taeyeon are sensitive subjects to her sister and cousin.)

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