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Sierra P.O.V.

Could that really be my dad? Mom always said rogues killed him when she was pregnant, but I had seen a picture of him in her room, and the man sitting there behind that desk looks just like him, maybe a few more age lines.

"Sit." Seth says while looking at me like I'm crazy.

I sit. Could it be?? , I think while chewing on my lip.

"So, let's begin by asking your full name, pack your from, and why you are here. Ok? By the way, my name is Blane Lupin, I am the alpha of the Lunar pack. This here is Seth, he is our beta's son and future beta." my dad says. It's so cool hearing him all mighty, I giggle in my head.

I clear my thoughts of that before they think I'm disrespecting them and say " My name is Sierra Ann Moon. I'm from the moonlight pack. Also, I have no idea what I'm doing here. Last thing I remember is heading to the alpha's house before school and then I wake up here in the middle of the woods. I'm freaking out." I started getting a little high pitched at the end. Who wouldn't be freaking out? I mean I somehow lost memory, ended up away from home, and I think my dead father is sitting in front of me.

"Did you say moonlight pack? And your last name is Moon?" Blane says, with his eyes wide looking me up and down.

"Yes." I squeak

"How old are you?" he asks.

"I just turned 16." I say while looking at my hands wondering if he is putting it together.

"O my god!! Seth get my wife now!! Sierra, do you know who I am?" he asks.

"I think so, mom told me my dad was killed by rogues when she was pregnant with me but I found a picture of him a couple years ago and it looked just like you. Are you my dad?" I cry, I can't hold the tears in. I let all the tears I've held in over the years of being abused, being alone, and unloved fall and it was like a dam broke open.

Blane P.O.V.

Sierra is crying so hard. I get up and grab her, she finches but then comes into my arms. What has she been through? I can't imagine what she has been through. I knew her mother well, but when I left she turned into someone totally different. I hope to the goddess  that Melanie didn't treat her badly because of me, I wouldn't ever be able to forgive myself.

"Sierra? Are you ok? Would you like to talk about some stuff? I really want to learn about you and if you want you can ask me any questions you would like."

She looks up with her big green eyes that are so familiar, because I see them everyday when I look in the mirror and when I look at my youngest daughter, Maggie.

"Can I ask anything?" she sniffles.

"Of course, would you like me to explain why I left your mother first?" I ask gently. I really don't want to overload her, but she deserves to know everything.

"Please...I need to know."

"Ok, come sit over here on the love seat with me." I gently pull her towards the couch.

"First, I met your mother when I was 19 years old, she had a beautiful 2 month daughter but she was very sad and lonely. See, her mate had died right before Haley was born, she wanted to kill herself but kept strong for Haley. We started hanging out, soon we fell in love and we were happy. But then one day I had to come here to help my father and I met my mate, Sarah. If you had a mate, you would know the wonderful feeling you get when you see them for the first time. I was in love. I went back to your mom and told her what happened. I thought she would understand since she had her mate, so she knew the greatness of the whole situation. But she was outraged. She told me that I would regret leaving one day, and when that day came, not to come running back. Honestly, I do regret leaving without taking you with me, but I had no idea Melanie was even pregnant. I can't believe she would keep something so precious away from me. I guess that is how she got her revenge."

"I'm not mad at you for leaving, I just wished I knew you was alive so I could of found you so I wouldn't of been so alone and hurt so much." she cried to me.

I froze. What did she mean she was alone and hurt? Did Melanie hurt my daughter? Did she isolate her? I begin to shake, I'm so pissed off. I want to rip Melanie's head off. Sierra places her hands on my face, one on each cheek and says "Dad, calm down. I'm here now."

I immediately calmed. She just called me dad!!!!! I have a daughter, she is here and I'm not letting her go. I will train her so she will be able to protect herself and I will love her and make her apart of our family. She will become Sierra Lupin.

"Thank you, Sierra. You are my daughter and I'm so sorry for what you have been through. I would be over joyed if you would stay here and be part of the family and I can train you so you can protect yourself and feel your full strength."

"I would love that. Do you have anymore children?" she asks while fidgeting.

" Yes I have two more children. There is Drake, he is 15 years old and the next alpha in line. Then there is Maggie, she is 13. Don't worry about them. They will be ecstatic to know they have another sibling. Was you close to Haley?" I ask but regret asking when I see her tense.

"No, she was about the same as mom."

This gets me mad again, she had no one. No family at all!!

"I'm so sorry. I'm here now and I will always protect you no matter what."

Sierra P.O.V.

knock, knock....

Dad and I look at the door, it starts to open and a woman more beautiful than anyone I have ever seen walks in.

"Sarah, this is Sierra, my daughter. Sierra, this is Sarah my mate, wife, and Luna."

He must of mind linked her or left his mind open for her to see what happened because she didn't seem shocked about it.

"It's nice to meet you Sierra. Are you hungry? Would you like to get a shower and some clean clothes? Your wounds are healing nicely but they will heal better once clean. Sorry sweetie, I'm such a mother." she giggled.

I couldn't believe how nice she was being.

"I would love a shower and something to eat. Thank you so much."

"You're very welcome. You are apart of this family and we take care of our pups."

Aww.. She even accepts me as one of hers. I couldn't be happier. Thank you goddess.

"Well come on, we will find you some clothes and get you cleaned up then we will introduce you to Drake and Maggie over lunch.

O goddess, I'm nervous!!!!


♡ Hey guys hope your enjoying the book.I'm so excited to have people reading my stuff!!! It feels amazing!! Thank you!!!!

♡ Ash

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