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Sierra P.O.V

I run as fast as my paws will carry me, all I keep thinking is 'I have to get away from him.' When I think of what I walked into, it feels as if my heart is breaking into a million little pieces all over again. Why would Damon do this to me?

"It hurts so much, i want my mate" my wolf whimpers.

"I know but we can not let him get away with this."

"Please sierra go back to him, I'm mad also but I want him close to me. Also, we need to show all these low she wolves that he is OURS!!"

I finally slow down my running, and take a look around me. No one is around and I find myself mesmerized with the beautiful waterfall in front of me. It is so calming, I forget all my problems until I hear a branch break behind me. I turn around quickly to find none other than my so called mate standing there looking at me as if I will dart at any second. I'm still in wolf form so I can't talk to him except through our pack link.

"What do you want?!" I seethe at him.

"Please Sierra, I am so sorry..."

"You didn't seem sorry when you were having sex with my sister Damon! How dare u do that to me?"

"I didn't know I would find my mate. I was being immature, foolish, and stupid. I regret every second of touching any female. Please just give me a chance to make it up to you."

I was so angry, especially with Haley, but every second that has gone by with him standing near me, I have felt my anger dying down. I can't just let him think I forgive him just like that but I also don't want to push him away. What do I do?

"How do I change back?" I ask lowly.

He seems relieved I'm not yelling at him and asking for help. Oh he'll get his punishment, but at the moment I feel ridiculous trying to yell at him in my head.

"All you have to do is picture yourself as a human and think of how it feels to be human." he says simply like it's the most obvious answer.

So I focus on my long brown hair, my bright green eyes, and my tan skin in my head. I start feeling the change but this time it felt more like getting pinched a hundred times rather than the feeling of knives stabbing me over and over.

I open my eyes and see Damon standing there looking me up and down with a very shocked expression on his face. I look down to see what the problem was, maybe I grew an extra leg or arm in the process.

"Aaahhhhh!!!!!!" I scream and run behind a tree. I can't believe I was just standing in front of Damon, future alpha, my mate naked!!! This is so embarrassing!!

"Sierra?" he calls for me, but I am defiantly not showing my face in front of him ever again!

"Go away! I'm just going to.... walk.. home." I stutter like a crazy person.

"Here." He popped out from around the tree with his shirt in his hand.

"Ahhh!! Get away, don't look!! And don't scare me like that!" I screeched. Wow, this is a horrible first impression. Oh well, I guess it's better than the one I have of him.

I yank the shirt from him and throw it on really quick.

"Thanks." I mumble.

"Your welcome, so can I walk you back to the pack house? And possibly talk?" he asks very gentlemanly.

"You can walk me back but we will have to wait for that talk. I can't be late home, I already missed school, so if I come home late, then let me just say I'll be a different color for about a couple hours."

Damon grabs me and twirls me around.

"What do you mean by that? Is someone hurting you? If so tell me now, I will kill them!!!!!"

Dang, I think someone is mad. This makes me feel very warm inside knowing he would do something like that to anyone who tries to hurt me.

"Um um.. no no, it's fine, I just have to hurry and get home, you know how mothers can be." I try to lie but everyone knows I can't lie to save my life.

"Don't lie to me Sierra.. Who is it?"

"No one" I say.

"Ok, if you're not going to tell me then you're not going home! You will be staying with me till this is resolved...."


"....or maybe longer. I will not tolerate someone putting a hand on their future Luna!"

Luna??!! Aww... hell I forgot about that!!!


Hey guys!!! Sorry it's kinda short but I'll update again tomorrow :) Hope you guys are enjoying it!! Please leave any comments


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