Prologue: Fallen

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"Strike Valtryek wins with a Burst Finish! That's two points, Valt Aoi wins the tournament!"

The crowds roared, cheering and whistling and whooping with glee. Rantaro and the visiting Beigoma Bey Club cheered the loudest, knowing that Valt's victory had a deeper meaning. Theodore Glass, known to few as Ashtem and watching the stadium from a secluded room, was less than pleased. But still satisfied, as the ulterior goal had still been achieved.

You may have lost the tournament, Red Eye, but Spryzen Requiem has still awakened and is at full power. A curl touched his lips, lifting the corners into a sinister grin. All is not lost for the Snake Pit.

On the stage, on the other side of the Bey stadium, Red Eye stepped back like he'd been struck. And he may as well have, with this earth-shattering loss on his hands. His knees buckled underneath him, and the beast Blader collapsed to the floor. I lost... I can't believe I lost!

Someone extended their hand to him. Blinking, Red Eye tore his gaze from the scattered pieces of Spryzen to the Blader before him. Valt smiled at his old friend, hope bright in his eyes. Red Eye stared at him, eyebrows knitted together out of confusion.

"It's okay now, Shu."

"What?... A-Are you saying that you... That you forgive me?"

"Of course, buddy! That's what friends do, they forgive each other!"

"But... I-I broke Valtryek... I've hurt our friends, and so many others..." Red Eye's gaze fell and he blinked back tears, his voice breaking as he spoke again. "How can you forgive me for that?"

"Because I know you're sorry for it." Valt replied. "Take my hand, Shu. I'll help you up, and we can go home."

The tears streamed freely now, and the beast Blader lifted his head. Then, after a moment, he lifted his hand, hesitantly reaching for Valt's.

The Beigoma Bladers leaned forward in their seats, each one quietly praying that Red Eye wouldn't withdraw. Ashtem leaned forward as well, but he was not hopeful.
As Red Eye's hand hovered over Valt's, he picked up a remote sitting beside him.

"You really trust me?" Red Eye questioned, looking into Valt's eyes for the lie. He found none, realizing the Valkyrie Blader was being honest.

"Of course I do, Shu." He answered, nodding his head. For the first time in what felt like forever, Red Eye smiled- one full of joy and relief rather than malice.

"Let's go home." He nodded as well, but... Before he could place his hand in his friend's, a jolt of searing pain struck his skull. "AAAGH!"

Red Eye recoiled from Valt completely, clutching his head and screaming. It felt as though his brain was being boiled inside his skull. Or, no, he was sure that would have been less painful. There was no way to describe this.

Trying to open his eyes only worsened the pain, the light burned his eyes- it felt like they were beyond repair already. Would he be blind when he woke? If he woke?
His ears were ringing so loudly, but at the same time so softly, too. Just a faint noise in his head. If anyone was trying to speak to him, he wouldn't know.

Make it stop! Make it stop, please! His skull burned like a fire- a volcano- the sun. He even felt something hot and wet on his face and wondered if his brain really was melted and pouring out of his ears.

It was becoming harder and harder for Red Eye to stay conscious, the pain becoming so intense he was starting to black out. Darkness ate away at the darkness, everything except the pain was fading.

He felt the grip he had on his head relaxing, his hands dropping to the floor underneath him.

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