Chapter 6: The Twin Scythes

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Wakiya was released from suspension, but another wave of nausea sent him reeling and he began to fall forward- but Rantaro and Valt caught him. "Wakiya! Wakiya, say something!" The former cried, hazel eyes wide with worry.

"I'm not dead, stupid." The blond hissed back, holding onto Rantaro's arm as he steadied himself. "Just... Tired..." He took a deep breath and closed his eyes to try and quell the nausea roiling in his stomach.

"Here, come sit down." Ken's soft voice reached his ears, and he felt the canine Blader gently take his hands and pulled Wakiya to the spot he had been sitting. He leaned against the black-haired Blader's shoulder, muttering.

"But still, of course Shu could sing! So unfair."

"You didn't know?" Valt questioned. "Weird. He would sing all the time, no matter what he was doing."

"In any case." Daigo suddenly chimed in, calling everyone's attention to him. "It's my turn to go under, now. Rantaro, can you come watch the screen?"

Rantaro nodded, coming to the computer and patting Daigo's shoulder. "Be careful in there, it's getting more and more dangerous."

"I will."

Daigo approached the chamber with the female lab assistant, climbing into it and allowing her to attach the cords to the proper spots. "This is the final mission, you guys, then Shu will be back."

"Oh? How could you be so certain of that?" Ashtem questioned calmly, but the smirk on his face said it all. However, that smirk quickly faded when Daigo grinned at him, chin held high as he replied.

"I can feel it in my bones."

Then the chamber slammed shut, filling with the green liquid and lulling the reaper Blader to sleep.

Shu limped through the halls, doing everything he could to hold himself together. It wasn't easy, either. The hordes were becoming more and more frequent and there were snakes everywhere, waiting for him to step too close so they could latch their venomous fangs around his ankles. If he didn't rest in places, then everything would start getting dark and it would feel like he had lead in his veins.

After dealing with another horde, he collapsed against a wall and slid down until he was laying on his arm. Spryzen... I'm so tired...

"I know, Shu. Rest for a moment, then keep going."

Shu began to push himself up, hissing softly at the throbbing in his arm and cheek- the places that got skinned during his barrel roll. If I stay here any longer, I won't be able to get up. He pierced the stones with the handle of his ax, leaning against it as he pushed himself up, then he began to use it as a walking stick as he trudged through the halls. Occasionally a snake would pop up, hissing at him threateningly. They were the size of regular snakes, so he didn't have to do much to avoid them, or deal with them.

At one point he hadn't been watching where he was walking and tripped over a bigger snake. As he pushed himself upright, it turned and hissed at him, rearing back to strike- Shu whipped around and hissed right back with his left hand raised, fingers splayed like how a feral cat would splay its own claws. It was almost comical how spooked the snake looked as it slithered away, retreating faster than it came.

The red-eyed Blader let out an exhausted, heavy breath and began to settle onto the floor, letting his hand drop to the floor. His fingers, though still completely numb, were dripping with blood and charred pitch-black, even the bones were the color of charcoal.

Shu sighed and let his eyes close, hoping for just a moment of actual rest- but Spryzen began prodding at him right away. "Shu, you need to get moving! I can hear the reaper calling now!"

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