Chapter 4: Break Your Chains

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Rantaro hit the floor with a heavy splat, feeling like he weighed a million pounds. "Honcho!" Valt was at his side, helping him up. "You alright?"

He nodded wordlessly, hanging onto Valt until he was steady. "Nngh... W-Was there?..."

"Screaming? Yes." Wakiya answered, when no one else would. "But that wasn't the worst of it... You two nearly flat lined, Rantaro!"

Rantaro's gaze fell. "I'm sorry, Wakiya... Shu told me to finish the puzzle, but I wasn't thinking about how hurt he was. I should have stayed with him..."

"Wh- I'm not talking about that!" Wakiya sighed, standing in front of the other blond. "I don't blame you for that, I would have listened to Shu, too." He grabbed Rantaro by the shoulders, shaking him vigorously as he growled out. "What I'm upset about is you giving us all a heart attack!"

"Wakiyaaaaa!" Rantaro yelped, having to hold onto Valt again once the other blond let him go. "Hurk..."

"Quit goofing off, you guys." Daigo scolded, still keeping watch over Shu and the lab assistants. "We have to get the next Blader into the machine ASAP, before he gets hurt again."

"Right..." Rantaro murmured. "Is he still hurt? From the graveyard dragons?"

Daigo shook his head. "He healed completely when you melted on him. Same with Valt."

"Yes, because that makes sooo much sense." Wakiya huffed, ignoring the look Daigo shot him. "Friend-melt heals all your wounds, or your money back!"

"Anyway." Valt interrupted, before they got into an unnecessary argument. "Who's going next?"

"I will." Ken answered, quiet but determined. Everyone nodded, then the assistants got to work on hooking him up to the machine. Valt held onto Keru and Besu for him, and before the metal doors closed Ken got to see the two dog-puppets waving at him. That made it easier to relax, and soon he went under.

Shu was doing his best to keep things under control right now. He had to be able to carry his weight, or he could end up killing whoever was unlucky enough to come pick up his slack. Valt and Rantaro are safe now, I don't think they'd go through the machine twice.

"Indeed. It seems they're taking turns helping you." Spryzen replied. "But you must remember that the dragons are getting more aggressive, and you are alone right now. It would be difficult for anyone to hold their own against the dragons."

But why do they seem so much weaker when my friends are fighting with me?

"Because your bond with your friends makes them balk. It is the same as the light that had shone on the first dragon. The one who gave the darkness a voice and a will."

Uh, I knew which one the first one was? But thanks, Mr. Exposition... So working with my friends is what makes them weaker...

"And the fact that they divide their attention helps."

Yeah... His footsteps would have been echoing through the hall, but he was naturally light on his feet, and he wouldn't have made noise even if he wasn't. He didn't want to disturb the dragons he was certain were lurking in the dark, waiting. But... It's not an excuse, Spryzen. I shouldn't be so weak.

"No, you're being too hard on yourself." The Bey spirit replied. "These dragons are your own demons, fed by self-doubt and the lies of Ashtem."

And what if my demons win?...

"They won't. Not when our friends and I have anything to say about it."

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