Chapter 6

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I'm literally dead! Dead.

I stand there gawking, as my mother rushes towards me, and embraces me in a hug.

"Oh sweetie! You're ok! You're ok right?" She says into my hair while hugging me tightly.

"Yes I'm ok." I say confused. Why isn't she yelling at me? Or accusing me?

"Where have you been?" She asks, not angrily but worriedly, freeing me of her tight grasp

"I've been..." I can see my father glaring at me, he knows where I've been. I can feel it.

"I've been in the washroom. It's that time of the month, and I didn't realize, I was trying to clean myself. I'm sorry."

I say, trying to sound as convincing as possible, putting on my best 'innocent but guilty' look.

"Oh honey, we were so worried. Your teacher called after ten minutes had gone by. He said you were not in class yet, and we were all so shocked! I knew it wasn't anything rebellious though, I knew it was something silly." She says sweetly.

"Next time call one of us. We shouldn't have to deal with this. We were both at work. Try using your brain next time maybe too." My dad snaps at me.

"Ok." is all I can manage under his harsh stare.

"Um. Well now that that's all cleared up, how about you go and grab the sheet work you missed from today." Mr. Wilson says awkwardly as my dad persists with his glare.

"We'll see you at home sweetie." My mom smiles at me warmly.

"Bye mom, dad. See you at home." They exit the room, and I continue to the folder where my missed sheets are placed. I pick them up, and turn around to continue to my desk. I swear every eye in the class is staring at me.

I sit at my desk, and peoples stares start to find a different target. One girl however, I can remember her name, continues. She sits in front of me, with strawberry blonde hair in a messy bun, and she's wearing black leggings, a tight white bustier top with an oversized beige cardigan on top. Wow she's really pretty, I think to myself.

"Um yes?" I say awkwardly.

"Were you... actually in the bathroom?"

"Of course not." I laugh quietly.

"Really?" She's genuinely shocked. "Where were you?" She asks.

"In the forest... with Michael Clifford." I'm not sure why I say his name, technically he wasn't even with me the whole time. The look of shock continues, and I'm glad I did.

"Michael Clifford?!" She says loudly, and everyone turns our way again.

"Shhh, and yes him." She blushes slightly embarrassed.

"Wow. I never would've imagined that a square like you would be friends with someone like Michael Clifford."

"What do you mean a 'square like me'?"

"You're so innocent! Like you always do your work, your probably a straight A student, you don't to to parties or drink or smoke or anything. And I bet your a virgin too."

"What's so bad about being a virgin?"

"Nothing really, it's just obvious that you are."

"How so?"

"Mostly how you act. You're really shy, sometimes it comes off as stuck up but I don't think you are. Also you've never had a boyfriend that I know of, and you dress super conservatively."

"Conservatively? Like a church girl?" I reply, shocked and slightly offended.

"Yeah! Exactly like that. Well maybe not but basically that."

"Oh. Alright then."

"I don't mean it in a bad way!" she says, noticing that I've clearly been offended.

"How is it good then?" I snap.

"I dunno. Sorry I can be a little bit blunt sometimes." I laugh, only a little blunt? I think.

"It's ok. I'm Aria by the way."

"Kylie." She smiles at me, and I think I've made a new friend.

Sorry I know this is really short, but I promise next time it'll be way longer and better too 😄👍❤️🙈

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