Chapter 3

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Art class today was taking a note about art history, everyone's least favourite part of art. Lucky for Michael who took all those supplies; Miss Taylor didn't go into the supply cupboard once.

Religion is next, where I am hoping I can ask Michael about his little stealing spree.

This is so unusual for me. Usually I can go days without having an actual conversation with someone, and now all of a sudden I want to talk to some almost-total-stranger? I think about it for a few minutes and yes. I do want to talk to him.

I walk into the classroom three minutes after the bell has rung, and only a few students are in their seats. Michael glances up at me from his seat in the back of the classroom and smirks as me. I flush slightly, then smirk back. I'm not flushing out of a romantic feeling, I just usually flush when I'm slightly embarrassed or uncomfortable or confused even. He's intimidating to me. He has a life I wish I could have truthfully.

I take my spot which is diagonally up a row to the right of his. I can feel his stare on the back of my head. Why is he staring at me? Mr. Jones takes attendance and reaches me,

"Aria?" He glances up from his list of names and sees me, as I reply, "Here." He continues on down to Michael, and I hear a familiar voice behind me reply, "Present" happily. I look back at him and he grins devilishly. I turn back around and try to pay attention to the lecture. It's difficult, I find Michael very distracting, even thought he isn't doing anything to me. After class ends I stand up and begin to put my text book and binder into my bag. I see Michael walk by, and quickly sling it over my shoulder trying to catch up to him. The bag bounces against my right hip as I jog to catch up with Michael, who seems to be speed walking down the hallway. I weave in and out of people, apologizing after each person I bump into.

"Hey, umm Michael." I say as I reach him.

"Yes?" He keeps walking, and glances quickly at me. It's too fast and I can't decide what his emotion towards me is.

"Can I um talk you? Uhh just for a minute?" I sound frantic and desperate, and greatly wish I didn't.

"Hmm you really want to talk to me, don't you?" I can see him smirking, as I continue to walk beside him. How does he know this? I mean he's attractive-really attractive, (not that I'm attracted to him) and he must be used to girls talking to him all the time. But still, we've never had a full conversation before.

I become aware if how close we are, as our hands brush together accidentally. We make eye contact, and I step slightly further away.

"Um yes, I have a few questions if you don't mind." I smile politely as he looks at me. He stares for a while, still walking beside me before he answers,

"Ok. Go ahead. Ask away Aria." He stops in the middle of the hallway. He's grinning from ear to ear now. I gasp, before I can hold it in. His grin is dazzling, and I stumble slightly hoping that I covered it well. He chuckles quietly to himself and I know that he saw. Oh well I guess. Honestly I'm just shocked he knows my name.

"Ok, um. Id actually rather not in the middle of the hallway. When can" What an awkward question, I think to myself. Why am I being so awkward?

People are giving us annoyed glances, and bumping Into my shoulder.

"Well now obviously!" He's still grinning, and I'm confused, and a little dazed still from his grin.

"Oh I don't have lunch now, I have class." I say.

"Same here." He raises and lowers his eyebrows quickly at me, and I finally click in.

"You're skipping class?" I try not to sound shocked, but it comes through anyways. He smirks at me.

"Yeah and so are you now. That is if you want to talk to me." I must've had a look of shock on my face, for he laughed out loud after he said this.

I've never skipped class before, and I didn't expect this to be the day I did.

"Ok, um...Is there someplace we could go?" I reply, trying to sound as casual as possible. A brief look of shock appears on his face, he probably wasn't expecting my compliance, but he covers it with a grin.

"We could go out into the forest." He suggests. Isn't that where all the smokers hang? I think to myself.

"Um yeah that"

"Ok let's go then." He says as he turns around, towards the front exit. I hesitate-we could be seen by the principle, as his office window faces out into the hallways, where he can see every single student leave or come in. It's really quite smart, but inconvenient for me in this situation.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to go out that way?" We're walking beside each other, and he glances my way, smirking again.

"Oh yes this is the perfect way to go out."

Hey guys I would really appreciate your opinions in the comments! Or pm me and tell me what you think, love you all! ❤️🙈👍

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