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"I'm sorry son, but it looks like your father doesn't have much time left."

Tears slipped down Toms face as he held his fathers hand.

"How long would you say?" He whispered to the doctor.

Toms father was gravely ill, with an incurable illness. His mother had took ill when he was born so without his father, he had no one. Well there was Martha but he wasn't close to her and hardly spoke to her. She was the gardener and was about 30 so he couldn't really class her as a friend.

"Until the next full moon."

"20 days." Tom breathed. More tears streamed down his face. A frail hand lifted and cupped his tear stained cheek.

"Don't worry son. I'm not scared, I'll be with your mother again and most of all I will not be in any pain."

That was the sad truth and Tom had to believe it.

"We've spoken about this, but I need you to take care of the stables. Make sure to remember the promise I made to the queen."

Tom nodded as more tears slipped from his tears onto his fathers hand which was still cupping his cheek.

"I know father. I'll make you proud."

"I know you will."

"Well I'll take my leave then. I'm sorry about this." The doctor interrupted thinking it was best to leave the family alone.

"Yes thank you doctor. And it's okay, there's nothing you could've done. Goodbye."

With that the doctor gave Tom a sad smile and left through the rickety front door.

He stayed with his father for just a little longer before he had to go to the stables. When he dies, the money he gets paid for being the stable boy, would then go to Tom. It had already been arranged and the king agreed to him working in his fathers place, at his castle.

Walking up to the gate he had to show the guards a special necklace given only to staff working at the castle. It was a pendant of a kind and was shaped as a star, with the kingdoms symbol engraved in the middle.

As he entered, he went straight around to the back towards where the stables were. He was called the stable boy however, he took care of all the animals that resign within the castle.

"Good afternoon Tom! The animals are-" Martha was greeting Tom and about to tell him about the animals state but she saw the grim look adorning his facial features. Instantly sweeping him up in a hug. They may not be close but Tom sure did appreciate it.

"How long?" Martha knew exactly what had happened. Call it some kind of sixth sense.

"Next full moon." Tom replied back quietly.

"Oh honey." Martha squeezed Tom. "Don't hesitate to come to me for comfort or if you need to talk. Got it?"

"Yes ma'am." Martha then ruffled his hair and let him get to work. Tom just hoped that the work would put his mind off his father.

A few hours had passed with Tom grooming the horses and tending to that rabbits that needed their hay changing. He heard the stable door open as he was grooming the kings horse. She was a beauty, tall in size, with jet black hair. She was also lovely and didn't mind people getting up close to her.

"Prince Tord will be going out to the village. So please saddle up his horse ready to go." The Kings butler Roman told Tom.

"Yes, sir."

In the hierarchy of the staff, Tom was one of the lowest. Not that he minded, at least he had a job. It went the king, the prince, the guards, the staff that worked within the castle and then staff that worked in the castle gardens bit which includes the stable. So of course Tom couldn't refuse.

Prince Tords horse was a black horse like his dads but he had some white on his neck and on his side. Though the horse was mean and didn't like anyone. He knew Tom and wasn't phased when he would groom it, In fact it liked Tom a lot as the boy knew exactly what the horse liked. When his father worked in the stables, he would let Tom deal with Dee, the name of Prince Tords horse.

Putting the saddle and reins on the horse, he made sure they were sturdy before leading the horse out of the stable. Typically, Tom knew Prince Tord wasn't meant to go out alone but he also knew he usually needed time alone away from castle life.

Walking towards Roman, he handed the lead over to him, bowed and quickly rushed over back to the stable. When In the presence of someone in higher status to you, you had to bow as a farewell. Especially to the king.

The king was generally a very kind man, as was his son. They made sure all the kingdom people and staff were happy and safe. They weren't greedy and tried their best to keep peace with other Kingdoms. Though they had a very powerful army so if a different kingdom didn't keep peace, they wouldn't hesitate to take them down and destroy them.

Tom didn't want his first meeting with the prince to be one when he was depressed and looked a complete mess, which is saying something considering he works in dirty conditions.

The next thing on Toms mental list of his things to do, is that the dogs needed a run around. There are 5 dogs in total. All huge German Shepard's apart from one. One of the huge dogs, was kept at the kings side. It was his wife's dog before she was killed. A jealous staff member managed to get close to the Queen and stab her with a dagger. Stabbed in the stomach where she bled out. The worst part was that the King had been on a trip to another kingdom for business and his wife decided to stay home. So they king didn't get to be with her in her final hours.

Prince Tord was only 5 at the time and stayed by his mums side holding her hand while she took her last breath. It was a very painful day for all the kingdom. She was a beloved woman who's heart was as kind as you can get. From that day on the king vowed that anyone who posed a threat to the king or the prince or any future lovers would be killed on the spot. Even a dirty look, they wouldn't be so nice.

The kings and princes personal guards were carefully picked out and so far have been extremely loyal.

Tom walked into the castle and headed to the throne room where he knew the King would be. Once entering he bowed and made his way to the king who was reading some kind of paper. The guards stationed a few feet away from the king eyed Tom.

"Good Afternoon, your majesty. I've come to take Milo for a run."

The dog who heard his name lifted its head and trotted towards Tom. He was a very clever dog as all of them were, thanks to his fathers training.

"Ah yes thank you Tom."

Tom nodded and bowed again and made his way back towards the field in which held all the animals including the dog kennels.
The dogs were all really excited to see Tom and as soon as he opened their kennels they made their way out and started to run around the field, play fighting with each other. All the dogs came from the same mother. As always there was the runt and he was really small. Typically the runt would be killed but with the heart his dad had, he just couldn't. So the runt stays in the stables with the horses. He does like to go out with his brothers and sister though and try his best to keep up.

The pup pounced onto on of his brothers but was roughly pinned down making it yelp. Tom chuckled and walked over picking him up. It was pretty easy considering his size.

"You silly runt." Tom smiled and the pup nuzzled into him while wagging his tail rapidity, enjoying the attention.

Someone cleared his throat behind him and as he turned around to see who it was, he froze.

The one person he hoped he wouldn't have to run into today.

Prince Tord in all his glory.

Stableboy TomWhere stories live. Discover now