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Heels clicked against stone flooring as Princess Elenor walked down a corridor in her castle. On the hunt for her brother who was king.

"Dale!" She screeched as she made her way to his throne room. Passing staff mentally rolling their eyes.

The King was sat on his throne, a younger man maybe 2 years younger than himself, sat on his lap.

"Ahh Elenor, how did it go with Prince Tord?" The man on his knee smiled at his Husbands sister, getting up and sitting on his own throne.

"Terrible! He kissed his stableboy!" She pouted and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Prince Tord is homosexual?" Dale looked at his husband.

"No he's not meant to be! He's meant to be with me! I'm way better than that stupid stable boy! Ugh! Can't we just kill him?"

Dale looked at his sister in disbelief, amused by her child ness. "You can't kill someone because of your own selfish gain! That's not the princess way I taught you. Now go to your room or something, I need to go somewhere."

The Princess huffed and walked out. A guard following her.

As she made it to her bedroom she motioned the guard to enter. "Winston, I need you to do me a favour."

Winston bowed to his Princess "Anything for you m'lady"

"I need that stableboy gone. The one in Tords kingdom. Get rid of him anyway you want just don't get me involved."

"Yes your highness" Elenor smiled at the high status nickname and Winston left.

Elenor has always wanted to be a Queen however her brother, who was born before her, got the title as the next lead royalty. Even if he was to die, his Husband would be given his title.

With that stupid stableboy out of the picture, Tord would have no choice but to marry her in order to have a partner by his side. It would make him stronger. Or so she thought.

The Princess however was a rude, selfish and self centred person. As long as she gets what she wants, nothing else mattered.

Being a narcissistic and how rude the princess is, is a recipe for disaster.

This chapter is so short, I'm so sorry! I hate short chapters (unless it's a one off) but I just updated my other book and decided to update this one too.
I just didn't know what else to write about the horrible Elenor (yeah I don't like her either)

Anywayyy the next chapter will be longer. Thanks all ^^


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