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The next few days held the preparations for Toms Fathers funeral.

Everyday seemed to be a better day for Tom though on the day of the funeral, he stood in front of the mirror in smart clothing. "I don't think I can do it..." Tom whispered.

Tord who stood fixing his shirt, looked over with a sympathetic smile "I know you can." He walked over to Tom and put his hands on each shoulder "look at me." And so Tom looked up into his princes eyes " this is your final goodbye, you're gonna go out there, say your speech and you're going to be fine. I'll be right beside you all the way."

Tord finished by wrapping his arms around Tom, kissing his head for extra measures.

Once separating, Tord finished getting ready then led Tom outside where the funeral was being held. It was a nice day out which juxtaposed to the mood.

There was a lot of people who had attended. A couple hundred at least. Toms father was well known man and a loved one at that. There were fellow staff, village people, guards and a few soldiers. The king had also attended as he was invited. Tom sat at the front with Tord right next to him as promised.

As time went on, people started speaking up as requested sharing stories, funny moments etc. During this time Tord had somehow held Toms hand without  him noticing; too busy trying to hold in tears (which wasn't working).

The priest holding the service called Toms name to say his bit. Tord giving his hand a reassuring squeeze as he stood.

Once at the podium, Tom looked out into the crowd linking eyes with Tord.

Tord had been so much help for Tom. He couldn't be happier to have such a great prince, soon to be king. He was also such a great friend always making sure he was okay, looking after him during his fathers death and even now just being really supportive.

One day he hoped he could call Tord something more than a friend.

Taking a deep breath, he looked down at the coffin in front of the stage. Seeing his dad For the first time since arriving "first of all I want to thank you all for coming, it really means a lot. My father used to tell me that I was a very strong boy, since my mother died, I believed it. Then when he died, I thought I was the weakest person. I realised that he was strong for both of us. If he was here now, he'd surely tell me off but it's the truth. Father thank you. Thank you for everything you've done. You were the best friend I could ever ask for, the best father." Toms eyes were leaking tears non stop as he clutched the edge of the podium tightly. "I miss you so much. I just hope that you're having a great time with mother in heaven and that you're not in any pain. You deserve the happiness. I love you to the moon and back."

With that he walked off into the waiting arms of Tord. Sniffles being heard all around.

Afterwards, Toms fathers body was taken off to get cremated ready for the ash scattering. While Tom went to calm down in Tords room.

Both boys were sat on Tords bed snacking on some food before having to leave.

"Where're you going to stay after this?" Tord asked.

"Huh, i didn't think about that. I'll probably just stay in my fathers old home until I get kicked out..."

"Well I was going to suggest you stay here"

Tom looked at Tord in shock "you're being serious!?"

Tord smiled and nodded. To which Tom squealed (very manly squeal) and jumped onto Tord. He wrapped his arms around his neck . As he pulled back, he stared into Tords eyes and very slowly leaned in placing his lips to Tords lips. The other boy reacting just the same.

"I take that as a yes." Tord asked as they parted a smile adorning his face. Tom nodded eagerly getting off Tord when a knock was heard at the door.

"Prince Tord? Tom? They're ready." A voice called from the other side of the door. They didn't need to specify who "they" were. The mood once again dropping.

"Ready?" Tom nodded again while Tord grabbed his hand, leading him to the entrance of the castle. A guard held a vase object which Tom could only assume was his fathers ashes.

He was right when the guard bowed and handed it over to Tom who held it with such delicacy as if it was going to break any second.

As requested only Tom and Tord were going to the place he wanted to scatter his fathers ashes.

It was truly a beautiful place it was no wonder that his mother and father got married there.

The sun shone through the trees as Tom stood on bridge looking down at the stream beneath him. Tears once again falling from his eyes. This was the final goodbye. Not forever, Tom reminded himself, but for a good while hopefully.

He opened the lid to the vase and lifted it over the plank side of the bridge. "Goodbye father, I'll love you forever." He tipped the ashes and watched as they fell into the water. Flowing downstream with the current.

This time however, Tom was smiling slightly. This was what his father wanted and Tom was able to give him that.

"You are amazing." Tord whispered as he put an arm around Toms shoulders and stood with the boy while he looked out.

At this moment, Tom knew he was strong and that he was going to carry on being strong like his father always told him he was.

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