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Preparations for the wedding had begun almost straight away. Tord, as expected, was extremely excited. Tom was excited too, don't get him wrong, but it was way too much for a simple stableboy to handle.

Apparently Tord had already got more than half of the wedding sorted already and he only proposed 2 days ago.

Tom was stood brushing down a horses mane as he let them venture out. He had stopped as he watched a horse with a trailer arrive. There were a few poles sticking out from underneath the blanket that kept everything together, though Tom could only guess it was a wedding decoration.

He sighed and went back to grooming the horse.

They were having the wedding In the depths of the castle garden. Though it was beautiful, there was no particular reason. They didn't want to have it too far.

In his own deep thoughts, Tom didn't realise someone had creeped up on him until a familiar pair of arms wrapped around his middle.

"Morning Thomas." Tom didn't turn around in Tords embrace just stood still grooming the horse. He also grunted a greeting in reply which made Tord frown. Tom was definitely acting weird. "What's wrong?"

Tom finally turned around and looked at Tords concerned face. "What do you mean?"

"A certain aura surrounds you. Maybe it's just me. Anyway have you seen the arch we're getting married under!? It's very pretty!"

Tom rolled his eyes and walked backwards out of Tords embrace; going back to the stables. The wedding seemed all Tord cared about at the moment, he didn't stop to think of this was okay with Tom.


He ignored Tord again. Stopping once Tords hand grabbed his arm. "What!?" Tom snapped.

Tords eyes widen as his lover snapped at him for the first time "Toms what's going on? We're getting married in-"

"Is that all you care about Tord!? It's all about the wedding this, the wedding that!" Tom took a deep breath "I'm overjoyed I get to marry you, I'm glad to finally be your husband. But have you stopped to think about how quick this is going, how I feel about this? I understand that this is huge deal for you but It's too much for me."

With that Tom stalked off towards the castle. Tord stood dumbfounded and feeling guilty. He decided to speak to his father about the situation.

Tom walked to his and Tords room and grabbed a bag from the large closet. Putting in enough clothes for a week. Seeing as how the wedding was in a week.

He wasn't running away or anything, just wanting to get away until the wedding for time to breathe.

He knew exactly where he was going. To King Dales kingdom. Last time they visited him, they told Tom he was and Tord was welcome whenever so this was a good opportunity.

Nelly sat on their bed watching Tom carefully while zipping up his bag. As he sat back to take a breather, the pup hopped off the bed and walked over to Tom; nudging his arm in question. "I'll be back soon Nelly, take care of Tord when I'm gone."

The pup was really smart for a runt and yipped to Tom going back over to lay on the bed. Tom decided to take his leave.

One of the guards stood by the door, followed as Tom motioned him to follow. "I'm going to King Dales kingdom for a week and Tord mustn't know. I'll be back for the wedding. Please let the head guard know and meet me at the stables. I'm sure Tord would appreciate you accompanying me." The guard nodded and did exactly as he was asked.

Tom went and saddled up a horse with all the necessities. And mounting it once the guard came back with necessities for himself.

As expected King Dale welcomed Tom in with concerned and welcoming arms. Seeing as how King Dale and his husband were both invited, yes the invitations are already out, they both wondered why Tom wasn't spending his last days as an unmarried man but they didn't question it.

As Tom lied on a comfy bed and thought of Tord knowing the boy was probably causing havoc back at the castle and oh boy he couldn't be any more right.
Okay so I think this book might be ending soon, I'm still pending on it.

Thanks for reading. It means a lot


Stableboy TomWhere stories live. Discover now