Part 1// A new home

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Today was Ella and Amelia's last day in the Fitz's house. They had stayed in their cost little bungalow for 2 months but, as always, had to move on.

Amelia's pov//

I had just finished packing away my clothes so I strolled into Ella's room.

"All packed Ells?" She looked up from having her nose buried in a book.
"Uh ye pretty much"

I walked back into my room and zipped up my bright pink polkadot suitcase and rolled into the hallway.

"Girls" I heard Barbara call from the kitchen. Barbara is our social worker. She is lovely but seeing her means that we're leaving.

"Amelia!" She smiled and pulled me into a hug which I returned. "Hey Barbara" I said as I pulled out of the hug.

"Ella!" I called down the hallway only to see her appear two seconds later.

"Hi Barbara" she smiled at Barbara.

"Ready to go?" Barbara looked at the two of us. "Yup" we said in unison which was followed by a giggle.

We said goodbye and thanks to Mr and Mrs. Fitz and hopped in the back of Barbara's car.

We left the Fitz's driveway and I turned to Barbara as I was sitting in the front seat. "Where too next?" I asked.

"We're off to the outskirts of London" she said, keeping her eyes on the road. "You'll be staying with Alex and his stepson Joe" she said this time looking at me"

That's all I really needed to know. I was always nervcited when we were going to a new house. Most foster kids I had met hated being in the system. But I didn't really mind. I looked at it like each house was a new adventure waiting to be explored. Childish, I know. You wouldn't think I'm 17.

I got caught up in my thoughts for the rest of the ride. "Here we are" Barbara said as we pulled into the driveway of a kinda big two storey house. We all climbed out of the car bringing our suitcases with us.

While Ella and I were getting our suitcases Barbara had already knocked on the door. The door opened and I saw a young attractive man. He had brownish blondish hair with striking blue eyes you could get lost in. He looked around my age so I guess he was Joe.

First chapter! Just kinda a quick intro to the characters.

It'll get more juicy don't worry.

See ya soon.


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