SEVENTEEN: The King Is A Hound Dog

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The long awaited chapter that reveals everything... or does it? No it does, but i'm not telling you now, you can't be lazy, go read it for yourself :P


GrayHound18's P.O.V

I stepped into the grassy lawn towards the park. Why had Quinton asked to meet me? I think I knew, he was going to ask for details about me and... Kent. Well I wasn't telling!

I pulled out my phone and hit speed dial, calling Quinton. He picked up and I heard him innocently chuckle a, “Hey.” I bit my lip.

“Dude where are you? The sun is already setting,” I said as I continued to walk forward towards the playground. A shiver ran down my spine as I looked at the dark sky above, I should have brought my jumper or something, it was getting cold. I hope Quinton was going to be quick.

“Turn around,” Quinton laughed through the phone. I groaned as he then hung up on me and I spun around, looking towards the car park. I didn't see anyone. But in front of me was a park bench, and there was someone sitting on it with their back to me. I frowned, then I recognised that hair.

“Kent?” I gapped, eyes wide, as the boy turned around and looked at me.

“Grayson?” he asked warily, rising to his feet to look at me properly.

“What are you doing here? Where's Quinton?” I growled. Why the hell was this dick here?

“Quinton? I'm waiting for Mile... Oh,” Kent sighed, rubbing his eyes. I looked over him to the car park and saw Miles' car not far away.

“There,” I hissed and Kent turned around to look too. We both raced towards the car, but Miles' was faster, starting the engine and getting the car out into the street before we could get much closer.

“AH!” I screamed, turning and kicking the tyre of another car. My foot hurt, but I didn't care as I paced around the park bench. Kent put his hands in his pockets and silently watched me rage.

“WHAT?” I yelled at him, stopping and throwing my hands up. He blinked.

“We should talk,” he said calmly. “I'm sorry I kissed you.” I dropped my head in my hands and sat on the park bench. He could talk, but I wasn't going to. I didn't want to relive the other night. Though, as I thought this, the memory played back in my mind...

I sat in the car looking out the windscreen at the back wall of the cinema. It was getting dark outside now, the sun was setting, and a chill was in the air. I bit my lip and rubbed my palms on the knee's of my jeans. I couldn't stay here in this car like this for too long or I'd go insane, claustrophobic and all. I sighted the drive-in fast food place across the road and decided to go for a food run, since we'd both skipped dinner.

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