Chapter One~ Taken-

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Kara's P.O.V.

I was still lost in his eyes when someone snapped their fingers in front of my face, breaking the connection.  It was Louis.  I smiled and gave him a hug.  I wonder if anyone else noticed what had just happened besides Louis.  Then Zayn came over and hugged me, while we were hugging i made sure that i messed with his hair just a tad. It annoyed, my plan worked.  then i walked over to Niall and tapped his shoulder.

"You aren't going to give me my welcome home hug?" He asked.

"Of course I am! If you hadnt been admiring the food, I wouldnt have had to come over here to give it to you" I snickered as i gave him a big hug.

Out of the corner of my eye i saw Harry and Autumn hugging tightly, she seemd close to tears of joy. Interesting.

Now it was time for me to talk to Liam.  I had dreaded this all morning, I was scared that I would make a total fool of myself and that he would never like me, ever.  So here goes nothing.

"Hey Liam." I said. Start out simple, Kara.

"Hey Kara! Long time, no see." He replied giving me a hug.  The way he said my name just sent chills down my spine.

"Yeah, I know. Havent seen you since you were at my moms house."  I said remembering all the fun times.

"Yeah. Good times." He said winking at me as he walked away.

I stood there in shock.  Did Liam just wink at me?  Was the Liam Payne flirting with me?  Maybe I was imagining it.  I started to walk over to the group.

"So you guys want to go somewhere to eat?" I asked.  They all nodded.

"How 'bout Nando's!?" Niall asked.  Everyone seemed to be fine with that.

We all piled into the car but there wasn't enough room for us all.  Louis drove and Zayn sat in the passenger seat.  The rest of us squished into the back.  I was stuck on top of Liam and Autumn was on Harry's lap.  I offered to switch even though i didn't want to. I was happy when she turned me down on the offer.

Autumn's P.O.V.

When Louis said he was driving my car, i was a little annoyed, but then Harry told me that i could sit on his lap... so i changed my mind pretty quick there. Kara blushed as she sat down on Liam. Hmmm, what was going on there? I'd have to ask her about it later. She offered to switch with me, but i was so comfortable on Harry's lap, and i didn't want to move. Don't judge me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me against him.I could feel his breathe against my neck and i shivered.

I could practically hear the smirk in his voice when he said, "Comfortable?"

"Yep." I smiled, even though he couldn't see it.

He pulled me closer, his arms get more tight around me.

"I don't want you falling." He explained, but i could hear the flirty edge to his voice.

I rolled my eyes. That was most certainly not why, he just wanted an excuse to put his hands all over me. 

"Yeah suuure, that's why Harry." I told him sarcastically.

He laughed, "You know me too well."

I scoffed, "Harry, the whole world knows how big of a flirt you are."

"Good point."

Zayn turned up the volume and suprise suprise, guess what was on? Yeah, you could've guessed it; What Makes You Beautiful. I laughed at the irony, but the guys began to sing there parts with the music.

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