Resting for the night

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Harry's POV

When that guy threw my sister I couldn't control the rage that went through my body. I had to hurt that guy. I ran to the guy and jumped on his back and started hitting him, then Liam came over and gave a swift punch across his face. I got down and I punched him in the crotch while Liam punched him in just the right spot to knock him out. We ran over to Kara and hugged her.

"OWWWW!" She screamed. We backed off and questioned why he screamed.

"I think she may have bruised her ribs and possibly broke her arm." Louis said nervously.

"I'm gonna kill that guy" I mumbled walking towards the man passed out in the corner.

"Harry! Don't! Lets just get out of here." Kara said grabbing my arm with her good arm.

We walked out and my mind went blank except for one thought.

We are in the middle of no where.

I sling my arm around Kara's shoulders urging her forward into the forest that lays ahead with everyone closely behind.

"How are we supposed to find our way home through this!?" Autumn asked.

"We'll the forest has to end at some point doesn't it?" Kara said in a low voice

"Kara has a point if we walk through the forest it doesn't go for every so we will find an exit out of it" Liam, the smartest, pointed out.

Kara giggled and then gasped.

"What!?" I said panicking, thinking that I hurt her.

"It hurts to laugh." She said holding her ribs with her good arm.

"Louis, what should we do about her ribs?" I asked

"There isn't much we can really do right now. Normally you would go to a doctor and ice it. And move very little." Louis said after a minute of thought.

"Ok so guys we are going to take turns carrying her." I said turning to Kara.

"No. Walking doesn't hurt. I'm capable of walking. Harry!" She said as I scooped her up in my arms. She went to cross her arms like a little kid but realized she would be touching her ribs and stopped herself.

"I am your older brother I'm in charge" I said laughing a her trying to pout "Think about it this way... You don't have to get tired of walking and the guys have to carry you."

Her expression changed quickly, she turned to Autumn.

"Hey guys? Does anyone need a bathroom break?" She asked looking desperate for some one to speak up. Liam, Zayn, and Niall all shook their heads. I set Kara down. "Ok so girls over here and guys over there" she pointed. We all walked in our own directions.

Kara's pov

We all walked to our specified 'bathrooms'. When we got to ours I turned to face Autumn.

"Ok. What's wrong? Are you mad at me? I can tell when something's wrong" I said trying to get it out of her.

"Why didn't you tell me? Did you not trust me?" She said looking hurt.

"No it's not like that! I didn't tell anyone. I knew that no one would approve of it. It's just like you not telling me about you liking my brother" I said defensively.

"I'm sorry. But I knew you wouldn't be happy about it because he's your brother and I know that if I were you I wouldn't be happy either." She said

"Ok... So lets make this fair. You can like my brother but if you guys date keep the PDA to a minimum. Alright" I said trying to lighten the mood.

"Agreed. And next time you like someone even if you think they don't like you, tell me." She said smiling. We did our business and went back to the spot where we were before.

"Ok guys who wants to carry Kara for a little bit cuz my arms are sore?" Harry asked when we got back. Everyone looked around.

"I guess I will" Liam said shyly.

Harry looked over at him and it almost looked like a glare so I hit the back of his head. I walked over to Liam and he picked me up bridal style and started walking. I couldn't believe this , it was like a dream. I looked over at Autumn and she gave me a wink and walked over to Harry. We talked a little bit until I got tried and I slipped into sleep.

Liam's POV

Kara walked over to me an I picked her up bridal style. I couldn't believe it, it was like I was carrying her after we got married or something.

"Liam?" She said quietly.

"Yeah?" I looked down at her. She looked like a little kid. Her eyes were big and she looked so hurt.

"I'm sorry." She frowned.

"Why are you sorry?" I asked.

"We didn't get to watch toy story." She smiled a little.

"Ohhhh... It's ok we can watch it when we get back." I said think about when we got back just watching it with her.

"If we get back" I heard her mumble.

"Kara, look at me. I promise we will make it back. Ok?" I said looking her dead in the eyes.

She need to stay positive I couldn't bare to see her upset. She shook her head and leaned her head against my heat starting to drift into sleep.

I looked at her. Her blonde hair, even though she hadn't brushed it since the day we got kidnapped, looks perfect. Her face was so peaceful as her brilliant blue eyes fluttered shut. I looked up.

"Hey guys, I think we should stop here for the night, it's starting to get dark" I said looking at the sky

They all agreed and set up a little camp for us to sleep in.

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