☀️Secret Reveal☀️

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Five pair of eyes watch as something fell from the sky.
Another five pair visions descend into darkness.
All of this is happening, because of one Winter Spirit.

The sleigh fell from the sky. Everyone visions went black. The reindeers and Obsidian was hurt, but not enough to kill them. They were sure to hit the ocean, but they didn't. (I should've left you on that street corner where you were standing, but you didn't. Okay I'll stop now).

Combine powers stop the sleigh from falling into the sea. Winds are trying to keep the sleigh stable, with the help of leaves, clouds and snow which were surrounding the sleigh. Vines started to grow from a near island, and they keep growing until it reached the sleigh and the reindeers plus Obsidian . The vines wrapped them and carry them into the near island.

As soon as they land, the unnatural storm ends, and a spirit approach the unconscious Guardians and Pitch. The other four spirits flew down and follow the spirit, approaching them slowly, like they are encountering some kind of unknown being.

Tooth was the first to open her eyes, her visions were still blurry, but she could see 5 dark blobs approaching them. As her vision got clearer, she could distinguish some features from them.

Two of them looks like girls, and judging from their height, they are all teenagers or young adults. The nearest guy, has blonde hair and shirtless, with sun tanned skin. Behind him, there's two other people. On the right, a girl is wearing very colorful clothes, and on the left, it was a very familiar someone. Behind them were another 2 people, which Tooth can't see very well. Those 2 are a girl and a boy. The girl is wearing a brown reddish dress and the boy is wearing a hat that covered half of his face.

"Tooth?", she hears one of them speak. "Jack, is... is that you?" she questioned back. The other guardians are regaining conscious. One by one, they see that they were surrounded by the spirits. All of the Guardians plus Pitch manage to stand up, despite the headache they were experiencing. The most familiar face they could see was Jack, but Bunny could recognize the girl in the colorful clothes. It was Layce, Layce Bloom, the Spirit of Spring. Easter is always in spring, so the guardian and the spirit sometimes meet.

The spirits stop moving. Both of the crowd was overcome by awkward silence. North finally spoke up, "Jack, Vhat is zhe meaning of zhis?". Jack stutters, "Um.... um", confused on how to answer.

The spirits turn their heads towards Jack, questioning looks on their eyes. The spirit that is wearing the hat ask, "Jack, why are they here?"

"Alex... Uh, I can explain." Jack continues to stutter. The sunny guy looks at Jack questioningly, "Jack?"

Jack feels the pressure building up on him. He hates that. It reminded him when he was pressured by Pitch to take his memories back, which are both a bad and good news for him. Watching the Guardian and Seasons looks disappointed at him, even though it's only in his head, Jack couldn't take it anymore. He was having a panic attack, but it was just a mild one. He was sweating and his heart are beating faster and faster, but he didn't faint and fell unconscious.

Stress is starting to pile up, so he decide the best option. Ran/Fly away and hide until he can get over this panic attack and calm down.

So he did it. Jack suddenly flew away, surprising the others, but they catch up quickly. The girl with the reddish brown dress yelled at him, "Jack!" and attempt to chase after him, but was stopped with a gush of icy wind. The girl was aid by the sunny guy as they look at Jack who was flying toward the big garden that for some reason no one seems to notice until now.

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