Shanghai » Chapter 1

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Chapter 1, Shanghai.


I flew down the stairs, trying not to mess up my hair on the way down. It took me ages to style. When I reach the bottom of the large, grand staircase I wander to the kitchen. There's not a sound to be heard, actually, you could probably hear a pin drop. I guess Mom and dad have already left for their buisness trip. I sit down and start eating the meal that the maids had most likely left for me. I sip my orange juice slowly, and then I pick up my bag and leave the house.

You see, it's my first day in Shangai and I'm extremely nervous. I'm going to Ming De University to study fashion and nutrition. I know the teachers and students are from rich backgrounds, like myself, but because of the amount of scandals my parents have been in, I'm afraid I will be looked down on. I have made up a disguise, so I am not recognized. A hairbrush, some spray, some makeup and a new persona can go a long way.

I walk over to the limo that must've been waiting for me, and scramble in.

"Hello Ma'am." Qing Dao, which is the drivers name, greets me. I smile and bow.

"Good morning."



As the Qing Dao is about to pull up beside the school, I ask if he can drive ahead a bit and drop me off there. I don't want to make a dramatic entrance on my first day. I say thank you to the driver and get out of the limo. I begin to walk along to the school, but I am too busy looking around the surroundings that I manage to not see the three students walking directly in front of me.

"EEEEEEEEEEeeeee!" I screech as I fall into them, but a girl with short bobbed hair manages to catch me. I stand up straight again and apologize.

"That's okay!" The girl with the bobbed hair says, cheerfully. She seems nice. "My name's Dong Shancai- but you can call me Shancai for short." I smile.

"I'm Qinghe and this is Li Zhen." The boy says, whom is grinning at me. He points to the other girl standing in the trio. She seems slightly shyer, so I nod my head at her and smile.

"I'm-" I stop. I can't tell them my real name. I need to make up one. It takes me a moment, and I can see the confusion on their faces.

"I'm Y/N." I say, smiling nervously.

"Hi Y/N!" They all shout. I sigh of relief. At least they don't know who I really am.

"So, you're new here too, right?" Shancai asks.

"Oh, yeah. I'm here to study fashion and nutrition." I reply.

"Oh- we have nutrition too. I think it's the first class aswell. We should get going, do you wanna walk with us?" Shancai asks.

"Sure." I grin and nod my head.

I think I may have just found my first friends.


9:46 » After Class

I leave the class before Shancai, Qinghe and Li Zhen. I told them I had something urgent to attend to. I don't really, but I want some time to be alone. As I'm walking down the hallway of the nutrition department my phone starts to ring. I answer it. It's my mom.

"Hello?" She calls into the phone.

"Hi mom." I reply. I miss her so much already. "What's it like in Korea?"

"Ah sweetie, me and your dad have been working very hard to clear our titles. Everything has been going well so far."

I sigh.

"I will need to hang up now, talk to you later sweetie. Good luck."

Then mom hangs up the call. I put my phone back in my pocket and decide walk to the roof top to get some fresh air. I walk up several sets of stairs before I get to the top of Ming De, ah this is so tiring. I open the door only to be greeted by someone. I loose my balance and fall backwards but they manage to catch me. 

"Hey, woah, you okay there?"

It's a boy, he is wearing a white shirt and a white sewn jumper. His hair looks fluffy and ruffled. His eyes were a crimson brown colour, and his lips were full and plump.

"Uh- I- I'm so sorry!" I stutter, I can feel my face getting hot.

He laughs but then he squints at me. "Your face is going bright pink..." He murmers, and then he moves my hair out of my face to get a better look.

"Uh- Erm.." I blush even harder.

"I'm Hua Ze Lei." The boy says, he positions me down onto the ground again and before I can reply he walks away.

I stand there frozen like and idiot. I bring my hand up to touch my forehead. It's roasting. I spin around and watch Hua Ze Lei walk down the staircase. "What... just... happened..?" I stutter.

I open the door to the rooftop, and I walk up onto the landing. The fresh breeze hits my face instantly but the burning sensation doesn't fade.

I look out onto Ming De and take a deep breath in.

You can do this Y/N!


Okay so this was the first episode of my new Meteor Garden series 'Anyone of Us.'

I just recently finished watching Meteor Garden for the 5th time on Netflix, and I decided to write a book on it.

Cause why not.


It's going to be a Y/N»Hua Ze Lei fanfiction because;

1: He's my favourite character

2: He isn't in any serious relationships in the series

3: I dislike Jing


Okay, that's all.

Love your shoes toodle-oos, =*=.


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