F4 » Chapter 3

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F4, Chapter 3.


"Here it is, the bridge room." Guo Caije grins. "Good luck."

And just like that she walks away.

"Let's do this!" Shancai says turning her hand into fist.

Qinghe nods but me and Li Zhen just look at each other unsure.

Shancai knocks on the door but there's no answer. She knocks again but there's nothing.

"Maybe they aren't in?" Qinghe suggests.

"Yeah, maybe, we should go." I say.

Li Zhen stares at us and we all go quiet. "Is... that them?"

"I can feel their presence." Qinghe begins to shake. Even he looks unsure now.

We all turn to see F4 approaching us. Shancai doesn't hesitate to march forwards with a scowl on her face, but I notice something. Someone in F4. Wait a minute... Oh my god. It's him.

It's the boy from the rooftop.

I watch Shancai as she scolds the dude with the green shoes. His hair is all weird, he kinda looks like a pineapple. I glance over at Hua Ze Lei, his expression is blank, it's like he's showing no emotion. He is different, completely different from earlier when I saw his soft smile. What is he playing at? Who is he? I don't realise I'm staring at him until he turns his head to look at me, and he seems confused. Crap he caught me. I spin around and dash through the door. I want nothing to do with this. I want nothing to do with F4, nothing to do with the pineapple freak and especially nothing to do with Hua Ze Lei.


After School » 4:21

I walk around the school campus for awhile, I told the driver to pick me up at 4:30 so I stil have a bit of time.

After the whole broken phone and F4 incident I haven't seen Shancai, Li Zhen or Qinghe. I didn't manage to get their numbers either so I'll just have to wait until tomorrow to find out what went down.

As I'm walking around the campus I decide to go back up to the rooftop to see if that boy, what, Hua Ze Lei is there. Like I said though, I don't want anything to do with him or F4 because it sounds like trouble... but I uh- just need to ask- if um, he's seen Shancai... even though... school's finished that doesn't make sense.

As I'm making my way to the rooftop I can hear loud shouting, loud venting. It sounds like someones going on a rant. I question if I should take a look, since the voice sounded a bit familiar. When I reach the top of the staircase the ranting stops immediately. Confused, I don't hesitate to peep through the window in the door. My eyes scatter around the rooftop, until I stop and squint for a moment.

It's Hua Ze Lei, I knew he would be here. I get butterflies in my stomach tickling me all over, I giggle like a little girl. I become hot again, I try to fan down my cheeks. It's no use, maybe I can go talk to him and asked what happened at the bridge club. As I'm about to push the door open to go talk to him, it hits me. He's with someone else and I think it's a girl.

It doesn't take me long until I realise it's someone I know, a friend infact. I sigh, confused. How does he know her? How does she know him? Wait how do they know each other?

I don't know why I was so upset and disappointed, but I was. It was weird every last drop of excitement in my body had dissappeared and the butterflies in my stomach- they- um- dIED.

I turn around and sulk as I begin to walk down the stairs- only the door flies open sending me forward on my feet.


Was the last thing I heard before everything went dark. Pitch. Black. Dark. Pitch. Dark. Black.


im in a rlly good mood and idk why so uh this chapter should be more serious but i guess its not

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2019 ⏰

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