Green Shoes » Chapter 2

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Green Shoes, Chapter 2.


I stare out at the view of Ming De. I admire all of the gigantic and glamorous buildings, and feel the fresh air hit my face as my hair flies behind me freely. I stare at the blue sky and then down at all the tiny people hurrying around the campus.

Once five minutes pass I decide to check where Li Zhen, Shancai and Qinghe are. I didn't get their numbers, so I'll have to try find them. Since they're studying nutrition they shouldn't be hard to find, the nutrition department isn't too big.

When I get down the various flights of stairs, I'm almost killed by the amount of girls that flee past me. All of them squealing and giggling. I'm super confused. When I get to the end of the corridor, I take a turn to the left and I can see a group of three people all staring at a phone. Oh they're right here.

As I begin jog towards them, Shancai sprints in the direction of the crowd of girls, whizzing past me yet completely ignoring me. Jesus, what is going on today? Li Zhen and Qinghe walk towards me.

"What's up with Shancai, and why are there so many squealing girls?" I question.

They both look at me and shrug.

"A boy stood on her phone just there, he had green shoes." Qinghe explains.

"A boy with green shoes." I repeat slowly.

"Well we should probably go find Shancai before she gets herself into trouble." I sigh.

I've only known Shancai for a little while but she sure does seem very confident and outgoing. I think it would be best to find her before she murders that boy.

Li Zhen and Qinghe nod and we run towards the direction of where the crowd were walking. When we get to the end of the corridor there are two ways we could go. The crowd were long gone by now so we just decided to wing it.

"Let's go right!" I demand.

We jog around the corner and down the stairs.

"It's my job to protect Shancai!" Qinghe shouts- enthusiastically.

Me and Li Zhen nod. We can't let anything happen to her.

When we reach the bottom of the staircase, we run out the doors that lead to the outdoor campus. I can spot a large group of people, or girls should I say. They are all whispering gasping, some of them are even giggling and taking pictures.

Oh no.

"Over there!" I shout, and me, Qinghe and Li Zhen sprint over to the crowd.

When we reach there I manage to catch a guard detataining a girl.

"Hey! Get off me!" Shancai screeches.




Shancai slams her locker shut.

"Shancai, I wish I was there to protect you. I'm sorry." Qinghe sighs. He genuinely looks upset.

Shancai puffs and looks at the ground. Two girls walk past whispering;

"Isn't that the girl who attacked Mr Bobbit?" One of them say. The other one nods.

I spin around and glare at them, they pick up their speed and waddle away.

"Shancai... it's okay. We can find the boy with the green shoes and make him pay!" Li Zhen says.

"Yeah!" Me and Qinghe agree.

"He couldn't have gone far, let's go find him now!" I demand.

"Hmph!" Shancai, Li Zhen and Qinghe say altogether.

Just as we're about to march off, a girl approaches us. We slow down our walk to a hault.

"Guo Caije." She sighs. "So you're looking for a boy with green shoes?"

We nod and look at each other.

"There's only one boy in this school who wears those kind of shoes."

"Huh?" Shancai asks.

"Dao Ming Si, part of F4. Has a lot of money, wealthy family you see. He's your ideal man, height at 185cm." Guo says, in a monotone.

We look at each other.

"Dao... Ming... Si..." Shancai says slowly.

I squint at Guo before asking where we could find him.

"So... where is he then?"

"Most likey in the bridge room." Guo replies.

"Why would he be in there?" Shancai cuts in.

"Oh, you see, Dao Ming Si doesn't travel alone. He's a part of F4."

"F4..." We all gasp. "What's F4?"

Guo laughs. "F4 are the best bridge players in our entire school. They've won hundereds of competitions and medals for our university. Many people have tried to challenge them to take over their place and title, but nobody managed to do it. There ended up being so many people who wanted to challenge them, so they had to introduce the F4 card. You can recieve an F4 card if they think you are worthy enough to compete agains them. Some even say, if you lose against them, you might have to stand in the school fountain for a day, or eat a pair of slippers."

"A pair of slippers?!" Qinghe repeats, gasping loudly.

"Wait so they're that good?" Li Zhen says quietly.

Guo Caije laughs again. "Want me to show you to the bridge room?"

Me and Li Zhen look at each other very unsure. We start regretting our decisions about going to see Dao Ming Si or F4.

"Yes!" Shancai yells with anger and detention.

Oh jesus.

Guo nods her head and we have no choice but to follow her. What trouble have I got myself into now?


cool second chapter done

took me awhile

cant wait to start on the next, i hope this isnt too boring yet. i will probably change the story a bit as the series continutes

peace ✌️

-dearly 🏳️‍🌈

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