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Me and Isa are in the kitchen when Isa starts talking about periods, I then I realise I have not had my period, I try not to panic in front of Isa when the doorbell rings I go and answer the door and say to Lou who just arrived " Can you look after the children, I have forgotten the milk" she looks at me and says " Sure I can" I tell her " Isa is in the kitchen and Josh is asleep in the lounge." quickly grabbing my purse and running out of the house.

I go to the store and grab some milk and a pregnancy test pay and then leave hifing the pregnancy test in my purse. I reach home and Lou says " Great your back and I totally forgot what I came for" we start laughing and then she says " I have to go and see what mess Zach and the kids have made if I remember I will call you" I nod my head and then she leaves and I notice that Isa has fell asleep.

I put the milk in the fridge and go upstairs and into the bathroom and take the test out of my pocket and do it, I wait 5 minutes before I pick up the courage to look and it is positive. 

Hours later when we have put the kids to bed and me and Lucas are down stairs Lucas says " How about we catch an early night" I reply " Not tonight I am to tired" then he says something that shocks me " You are always to tired maybe I should go and find a woman who will give me sex" I hold back the tears and get angry and say maybe you should" he gets up and grabs his keys and his wallet and then says " Maybe I will" and storms out of the house and then I start to cry.

It is now 4 hours that have gone by it's midnight so I decide to call his phone, I dial his number it ring for a while then  a woman answers and I say " Is Lucas there?" thet woman replies " He is busy, can I ask who is calling?" I reply " Tell him Melissa called" before I can hang up I hear Lucas say

" Sophie, come back to bed are you ready for round 3 or is it 4?" I hang up the phone and crumble onto the floor and start crying about an hour later I get really bad pains and notice I am bleeding so I call Lou it starts to ring and Zach answers the phone " Hi Melissa" I reply " Hi Zach, sorry to call so late but can you and Lou come over and watch the kids, I found out that I am pregnant today and I have started bleeding" feeling embarassed.

He quickly replies " Oh shit, we will be there in 5 minutes call an ambulance" I tell him " I will" we hang up and I call the ambulance and wait " Lou and Zach arrive and Zach says " Lucky Luke was staying over where is Lucas?" I tell them everything that happened earlier and then inform them " I do not want Lucas turning up at the hospital I am better off without him" the ambulance arrives before they can reply and I am takien to hospital where they can run there tests and give me a scan.

Thankfully I still have a baby they managed to stop the bleeding and said

that I have to take it easy for the next month, Lucas tried to call me but I cut him off.

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