one - an open window

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{ i'm so sorry this is like a month late }

sabrinas pov

"i think you should leave"

harvey's voice echoed through my room when i woke up, once again having dreamt about the day i lost the only boy i've ever loved.

i sighed, and rubbed my eyes.

i had been crying in my sleep again.

i knew i had to toughen up, today was my first day back at the academy of unseen arts since my heart wrenching break up with harvey.

"sabrina? are you alright?" i heard someone ask.

i swiftly turned around with a jump. my heart was beating out of my chest.

who the hell was in my room?

i looked up, shocked to see nick scratch standing by my open window.

"did you break into my room?!" i exclaimed in anger, narrowing my eyes at him.

he responded with a shrug.

i felt myself burning up.

i hoped he hadn't seen me crying.

"why are you here nick?" i grunted.

"I just- it's been a while since we've talked. i know you're starting up school today and i was hoping i could walk you there. so we could catch up." nick explained.

i felt my heart ache.

harvey used to always walk me to school.

"no" i answered sternly.

"" he asked in confusion.

"no. you can't walk me to school." i replied.

he tilted his head in confusion.

"alright but brina i'm already here, and we're both walking to school anyways" he said slowly.

"you just broke into my room while i was sleeping. why would i want to walk with you?" i asked, crossing my arms.

"because we're friends. i just wanted to see you sabrina" said nick innocently.

i sighed.

nick was one of the few warlocks at the academy that had been nice to me.

did i really want to ruin that friendship  just because of my breakup?

"fine. but if you ever break into my house again i swear to satan-" i started.

"alright! alright i get it. you like your privacy" nick said.

i nodded.

"okay. now get out of my room" i ordered.

"huh?" he questioned.

i started nudging him towards the door, then opened it for him to exit.

the chilling adventures of sabrina | nick x sabrina Where stories live. Discover now