two - an invatation

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sabrina's  pov

me and nick had walked the rest of the way in silence.

nick thought too well of me. i knew i really didn't deserve his praise.

the truth is he was kind. too kind. he seemed like the type of guy that just said things to make people happy.

but, at the end of the day, though the words he said were sweet, they meant nothing.

i had hurt harvey, i had hurt my friends.

nothing nick could say could take that back, and hearing him praise me when i knew i didn't deserve it somehow made me feel worse.

it was like receiving a reward for something i didn't do.

"sab?" nick spoke.

i looked up.

"huh?" i muttered, taking my eyes up from the ground.

"were here now." he pointed out.

"oh- right" i noticed, taking in the big building that still managed to tie my stomach in a knot, even after going there for almost a month.

but this was different, i had decided to start going their full time.

"you'll be just fine. the people here can be cruel; sure. but they do respect you. they all know how powerful you are"

i nodded slightly, but truthfully i didn't care about what anyone that went to the academy thought of me.

it's not like any of them really mattered.

i looked to my left, to see nick smiling at me.

maybe one of them mattered.

"let's go" he said, and together we walked in.


"so, you like the warlock?" prudence asked, as she sat down beside me at lunch.

i had been eating in the library, trying to study.

i took a bite of my apple.

"you'll have to be more specific then that, there are lots of warlocks here you know?" i stated calmly.

"ah, but you know which one i speak of, don't you half breed?" she asked knowingly.

i sighed.

"well, if you mean nick, like you said. he's find of a warlock-whore"

prudence looked almost shocked.

i was surprised to.

of course, i felt bad for speaking badly of nick.

the chilling adventures of sabrina | nick x sabrina Where stories live. Discover now