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Published 11/28/18
Rose pov

I stared into the blue eyes above me. I snapped out of my daze and rolled onto my stomach pushing myself up onto my elbows. My right hand covering my gunshot wound. It burned, I pulled my hand away and saw blood. (Was I going to die?!) I looked up at the man that had just shot me. He was again pointing the gun at the apes and me. The man started yelling keeping the gun pointed.

"Stay! Help" he screamed off into the woods.

The two apes were next to me the one with blue eyes more ahead of us almost as of he was trying to shield us from the man. The green-eyed one was next to me hooting at me. I think he was trying to ask if I was ok or something. I smiled at him and nodded my head. The blue-eyed one started to let out chimp calls and screeches.

"No, hey, over here" he shouted again. This time a group of people came running up the forest trail. Almost all of them had guns. "I shot her," he told the group as they got closer. I was scared, I had never been around my own kind really.

Soon war cries of apes were heard echoing off the mountains. I watched as a large amount of apes came running out of the fog and the trees. A big muscular ape with a spear got in front of us, pointing it at the human group.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw one crawl up a stump and stand on his hind legs and do hand motions calming down the Apes. I had recognized him as the leader of the ape colony, it was Caesar.

Caesar looked over to where me and the two other Apes were my eyes meeting his.

I watched as he turned his attention back to the human group.

"We don't mean any harm" the one with the hat shouted. I watched as the one who shot me whispered to the man with the hat "there Apes man you think that they understand a damn thing you're saying"he hissed. "Do they look like just apes to you" hat guy responded. Staring up at the Mountainside full of Apes. I decided to speak up even though it may have been stupid of me.

"They are more than just Apes, and they do understand you, so I'd watch what you say" I growled at the man who shot me. The man who shot me glared at me with so much hate. "I should have shot you right between the eyes"  he growled at me. I glared right back but soon my Vision was cut off as the ape with blue eyes got in front of me blocking my view of the man that shot me and his view of me. I looked up at the ape only to be met with his back, his eyes trained on the group of humans.

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