Never did i think what happened
Was ever going to happen
I thought it was all going to be okay
That nothing would happen
But no
Someone had to ruin it
Like always
I can't talk to you
That's all I want
If I wasn't able to date you
And all we could do is talk
I'd take that
Because you're my best friend
And you know everything
I'd do anything
To have you back
But they threatened the thing
That I wanted most
So my choice was you or my future
It hurt
Oh god did it hurt
But I chose my future
There is that little bit of hope
That I have, that you will come back
One day
It'll be you and me again
And we can prove it's us against the world
But for now
We have to make it
Without each other
I'll see you in school
But it's gonna break me
I don't want to see you
Because it'll hurt us both
But all I want to know, is if you're okay
I miss you