Who Is She?

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Authors note: this is RDs POV
And now we begin

I am on my way to flight school, it is my first day and I want to make friends where I am going. But there's always that bit of worry when meeting new ponies, it can go right or wrong but frankly I don't care because at least I try to be pleasant , tell you what I won't be all smarts. I'll try to be some pony I'm not I'll be all out going maybe others will like me more hopefully, I would smile to myself but I didn't notice the cloud coming to me as I was too distracted in my own process of thought. The cloud sent me in a spiral spinning through the air, the water vapour splashed in my face temporarily blinding me and my wing seized up causing me to fall probably to my death.

Applejacks POV

Ah was working early on the farm today, the rooster went off at 6am again Ah wondered who kept setting the time on him to roost but I realised that you can't set a roosters time, but I did believe that about five years ago I felt stupid when Ah found out the truth. So on the farm it is going well I kicked another tree with mah powerful legs, Ah love these babies so much. I carried a bunch of barrels to the barn before hearing a scream that sounded to be near me, so I looked up and Ah see this rainbow maned Pegasus fall from the sky and by god was she beautiful. What am Ah doing I thought and Ah run to catch her but unfortunately she was out of reach, ahm ashamed of mah self.

Rainbows POV:

As soon as I hit the hard surface I felt sharp pain throughout my body, I didn't know what to do so I started to cry. As I looked up I see a beautiful orange mare looking down at me and bandaging me up, I looked around the beautiful surroundings of apple trees, I looked at the sun not for too long and I deducted that it was noon already, ugh god dammit I sigh, as soon as the beautiful orange mare was done I tried to get up but my broken leg wouldn't allow me
"There there sugar cube, your gonna be fine" the beautiful orange mare stated with a confident smile, I was quick enough to trust her as she was the only pony to actually help me.

Applejacks POV:

Ah looked down at that beautiful rainbow maned mare and Ah go to speak to her
"Howdy stranger mah names Applejack, what's your name." I asked the filly with the broken leg, I was sure that she would be tough enough to speak as I did tell her the honest truth about the leg so I hope that she can trust me because Ah need her to.

Rainbows POV:

Oh god she is talking to me what should I say what should I do? I'm starting to panic and shake all over, but then it clicked. I should try to be cool and more out there I want to hide behind this front if I have to.
"Hi I'm Rainbow Dash the daredevil of Cloudsdale " I spoke in quite a raspy voice that suited me well, Ihad been practicing it over the last decade, to be honest it was a convincing voice for a 15 year old. It was also a bold thing to do.

Applejacks POV:

I looked at the beautiful maned mare whom called herself Rainbow Dash, I loved the name and that raspy voice makes her 20% cooler, I loved the contrast of colours in her mane as it was all the colours of the rainbow, I also realised how captivating her magenta eyes are. She is so cute and adorable I thought to myself
"Say Rainbow Dash would you like to come in for lunch? We are having apple pie after if your interested " I look at her with a sweet smile.

Rainbows POV:

I looked into her beautiful emerald eyes making a deep connection
"Heh sure I would, I mean why not? I'm always looking for a friend anyway " I had put a smile on that face of my now new crush and I was happy

Authors note:yes I am leaving a cliffhanger so the second part will be in another part called the dining

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