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A display of power.

That was the calculated plan Yakov made and they were carrying out after receiving only threats in response to their requests from those who currently held said power, the Council and those under their influence. Minami became the only one completely overjoyed, to Yurio's irritation who felt it necessary to remind Yuuri's personal assistant that they had yet to achieve what he was already celebrating. Minami had no grounding in the reality of their situation. Yurio found himself eager for other reasons. A little freedom from his self imposed cage would be exhilarating.

He needed this.

They were following Chris to the catacombs entrance hidden beneath his club, the very route the invaders had taken only days before. Besides the five of them Mila insisted on joining him, Yurio only relenting because they would most likely need the help, along with two vampires sent from Italy and one from the Czech republic. They were the main group, the ones selected to escort Yuuri Katsuki to the Council untouched and without forcing him to strike down any of the opposition. There were others on standby, here and everywhere, just in case. But Yakov seemed confident that further action would not be needed. In that old vampire's mind this would be enough to show where most loyalties lied among their kind. He might be ancient in Yurio's view but none of them understood the old guard of the Dark Infinity better. Without his guidance they would be lost.

For himself, Yurio was anticipating a good fight, knowing that despite their orders not to spill unnecessary blood it would happen. If he could shake off Mila's misplaced concerns for his safety. Why she had to be included in his group he didn't know, having Minami was bad enough but she acted more like a mother than Lilia ever tried to be.

He and the others were discussing strategy and plans along their way into the catacombs, each one acknowledging their primary goal and being told where in the catacombs they were expected to fight. All of them save the main focus of this campaign. Yuuri Katsuki walked in silence, coffee eyes focused on things none of them could see, only the barest of glances at his lover who stayed by his side. Katsuki looked as distant and untouchable as intended, black hair slicked back from his face, body draped in an expensive,tailored three piece suit, black gloves and the odd addition of a flowing cape that reached his knees. Yakov insisted on it, believing a touch of nostalgia might help reinforce their mission's objective.

It was necessary he look the part after all.

The rest of them were dressed much more comfortably, mostly for ease of movement and he'd pulled his own hair back, resisting Mila's wish to braid it. He'd let it grow lately but it wasn't that long. In truth he only allowed his hair to grow was because Otabek seemed to like it. No one else would ever get that confession out of him. He would also never admit to wondering what might become of Beka if he did not return. He pushed all thoughts of the man who'd invaded his existence away. Now was not the time.

He'd known and lost so many in his extraordinarily long existence and he was certain he'd find a way to manage again.

Now they were following Christophe to a sub basement below the club, a place used for storage from what Yurio could tell where Chris' lover would meet them. Boxes were strewn about, shelves overturned, some contents having been spilled and left where they lay causing mild obstructions in their path along with scatterings of dried blood on floor and walls. This is where the invaders forced their way in, where they'd been fought off and most of the mess remained uncleaned. Understandably their priorities were on other matters. By the time they arrived here and began finding their way through the debris, the only conversation remaining was between the Italian twin vampires and the disheveled looking male Czech, providing an unwelcome distraction in his opinion. Their focus seemed horribly misplaced.

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