Chapter 3

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As it became morning, Connor was left alerted after his dream and the odd noise of laughter from his sister's room. It would take a fool to not realise what they doing together. Nonetheless, he didn't care that much. Unsavourily subjects were signs of maturity and it wasn't as if Connor hadn't seen nudity online before.
However, the noise ceased eventually and Holly went to the living room where Connor had stayed the night then the kitchen.
"Hey Con!" She called. In the background you could hear the sound of the kettle heating up and a ceramic jingle as a metal spoon hits the walls of a mug. "Did you get a good night's rest?" Her voice sounded worn out and slightly more distracted than usual. Connor sighed, blanket still placed on him.
"I did but your party woke me up." He slumped over, still wrapped, and felt the cooling leather hit his back. Holly rushed into the room, blushing immensely.
"Connor Quail! Just what do you think you're talking about?!" She tried to appear more menacing but Connor took one look at his sister and sighed.
She squinted her eyes before leaving and accidentally bumping into a wall when she wasn't looking behind herself.
A few seconds later, she came wandering back in, a cup of coffee in her hand. She remained composed and took a long sip of her drink, making a loud slurping noise just for the purpose of irritating him. Connor stared at her with immediate annoyance.
"Angie, can you come take your girlfriend away!"
"Angie? Wh-" Holly was about to interrogate her brother on how they'd gotten so close, but Angelique rushed in, wearing one of his sister's clothes, that was obviously too big for her. Instantly she leaped in for a hug and when she pulled away, she had realised that she was sitting on her lap. Luckily, Holly put her mug down out of instinct.
"Hi." Angelique stared into Holly's wide brown eyes, still straddled in her embrace. Her lips were parted.
"What was that?" Holly asked, still not pulling away.
"Love," Angel said enthusiastically. Holly held her hand onto Angelique's cheek.
"Disgusting. Do it again."
Connor sat awkwardly while the two of them acted affectionate. His sister held onto Angelique's waist until he coughed loud enough of them to hear.
Angelique sat on the sofa normally, careful to not knock over Holly's cup of coffee. She, like Connor, slumped over, seemingly bored.
"Do you guys want to do something today?" She sighed. Holly placed one arm around her and smiled. Connor didn't know what to make of it.
When he was younger, his parents used to go out to places like the seaside, but when they decided Connor was too old to enjoy those things anymore, it all stopped. So, in order to feel how he was supposed to, he grew up. However, even now, Connor remained immature as a side effect of maturing unusually. He was now the type of person to still lounge around, watching cartoons, while at the same time, complaining that everyone treated him like he was 8. It was inevitable, the realisation he might never seem good enough to most people. That thought illustrated how much he believed validation came from others and how he kept himself up at night, thinking he'll never be the perfect child.
Overthinking had become a chore that tired him out almost every time. He loathed it. However, it let him expand his thought occasionally and figure out what he wanted rather than his parents' choice.
Holly chugged down the rest of her coffee, "I'll get ready then!"
Angelique followed her down the hall, leaving Connor to get dressed too. However, he grabbed some clothes and locked himself in the bathroom in case of any unfortunate and embarrassing events.
By the time he was done, dressed in another yellow hoodie with Saturn drawn on neatly in the left chest area and black jeans, the girls had already changed. Angelique wore her hair in a ponytail. She was wearing an oversized white jumper, covered in rose illustrations that reminded her of Holly's floristry where they first met. Underneath, she was wearing a denim skirt, going no lower than her knees.
"You're going to get so goddamn cold in that," Holly spoke, a grin spread across her face. She wore two layers: the first was a simple white blouse that stood out from her dark skin and eyes while the second layer was a knitted pink jacket. She also had a bag strapped to her side, similarly coloured to her black leggings. She wasn't wearing her glasses this time. Connor presumed she was wearing contacts. Lastly, she put her hair into two buns, letting two strands of hair come in front of her ears. The coral colour of her, fading back to brown as it got closer to her roots.
It was no lie that Connor felt a little underdressed.
"Have you even decided where we're going yet?" He questioned, hoping that they didn't just say to go out on a whim. Angelique shrugged, looking to Holly for an answer that she obviously didn't have prepared.
"How about a theme park?" She laughed, clearly just wanting some cotton candy. Still, Angel smiled gleefully in agreement.
However, nobody had any cars and the nearest theme park wasn't in walking distance. Alas, the bus stop war near and they ended up sitting together at the back.
Holly put on headphones, leaving Angel and Connor to talk to each other.
"How did you guys even meet?" He asked, twiddling his thumbs in circles and not even looking at her.
She put her hand to the back of her neck, "Your sister had the balls to ask me out on sight and...I guess I admired that."
Connor shrugged, certain that he'd ever experienced anything like that before.
"But how did you know she was the one?"
Angelique took a moment to think, her hands clasping the sleeves of her jumper.
"I've never thought about that..." She trails off, "Love is something that you don't just think about but rather feel. So, when it comes to Holly, I could just tell that we could spend the rest of our lives, the sex is really good!" Angel laughs, becoming so contagious that Connor, too, begins to laugh. Although laughing, he could feel deep down that she was trying her hardest to explain whatever she was feeling. Love.
"You really like my sister, don't you?"
"Yeah, I really do." An expression of simple joy fell on her face. Connor could tell that she could feel the sweetness inside of her, that tingled warmly only for a split second when you realise you have seen the definition of happiness. He was glad that Angelique was his sister's girlfriend.
"And what about you, little guy?" She continued, intrigue written all over her face.
Connor looked up to face her with mixed emotions because, in actuality, he wasn't sure. He didn't know what it meant to fall in love; he had never done it before. It was always this ethereal thing described in books and movies. It would show how characters would get goosebumps and their stomachs would go into an incredible whirl. Love was described as giving like gifts on Christmas Day, but never expecting to receive back. But, for Connor, he thought that such a complex emotion didn't exist in real life. He'd never seen examples of it, including his parents, until Holly and Angelique.
"Never been in love and I ever will." He didn't want to appear so fragile in front of Angel. To mask the depressive mood in the pits of his stomach he ever so briskly laughed.
Angelique grabbed his shoulders and shook him, "Bullshit!" She screamed a bit too loud that even Holly could hear, taking off her headphones.
"Are you bullying my brother, Ang?" She spoke in a harsher tone, half annoyed that she'd bothered her music and half bothered wether or not her girlfriend was about to scare of Connor.
"Don't worry," Connor smiled, turning back to the window.
Holly put her headphones back on and for the rest of the trip, Angelique didn't say a word, worried it wasn't her place to talk to him.
Eventually, time whizzing by incredibly sluggishly, they had made it. It was decent weather (for December) and the sky was plastered with thick clouds. The blue, peeked out occasionally, however the sun rarely showed itself.
The three of them got tickets and entered, hearing the sounds of children screaming and music combined like a chaotic birthday party.
First came the rollercoasters since nothing would come up even if they threw up. Connor sat in the middle and instantly regretted even deciding to stay with them in the first place as they let go of the safety bars, putting their hands in the air. Although, Angelique put her hands down often when she was scared, Holly immediately calling her a "pussy" when she did. Connor felt he wasn't enjoying it as much as the were. It was as if he was a wall between Romeo and Juliette, preventing them from kissing.
When they got off, Connor told them to go on the Ferris wheel together, saying it would be fine.
The line wasn't as infuriatingly long as they thought it'd be and before long they were on the ride, sitting next to one another.
Holly grasped Angel's hand, intertwining their fingers together. She reached forward and put her other hand along Angel's cheek. Then came a kiss, passionate at first, however Angel pulled away to look at the beautiful brown in Holly's eyes. Still, Holly wasn't satisfied. She put both hands on her cheeks, letting her lips melt into Angelique's, creating a magical feeling of wildfire that spread everywhere. Her cheeks were hot to the touch and reddened with seductive blush that urged for just one more kiss. So, Holly went in again. Her heart pounded violently while she tore the elastic band from Angel's hair, causing it to fall. She ran her thin fingers through the sea of black without any resistance. Each glance was teasing to her.
Cooling down, she placed her forehead against Angel's.
"Thank you," Angel spoke, such delight and contentment in her voice. Her honeycomb voice.
However, Holly let her body naturally flow down, resting her head on Angel's shoulder and she gave small kisses to the side of her soft neck.
"For what?"
"For being here, with me."
Sparks of gold drifted in her eyes and Holly's mouth became stitched together, only coming undone with another kiss that ripped the seam apart. Holly could feel her heart pounding out her chest, letting every worry evaporate with the fire within her.
But, silence, both in actions and words. Their blushing glances battled against each other as Holly stared into the peachy yonder of Angelique's lips, holding back from kissing it further. Instead, she gave back the hair band, still reserved.
Angelique frowned, "Is this going too fast?"
"Angie, I love you unconditionally. Your lips and body, I want them all to myself. I want to hold onto you so tightly and-"
"So why don't you?" Angelique puts her hands on her lap, glancing around to see the scenery she had previously ignored.
Holly covered her face.
"Our turn is almost over."
There was no emotions held inside of Angel anymore. She felt so drained inside that despite the disappointment of Holly's unwillingness of their public affection, she still had a feeling of hollowness within her chest. Was she a bad person to crave more?
They got to the bottom of the Ferris wheel in seconds, hands not touching and Holly running up to Connor. Angelique walked unenthusiastically towards the two of them.
Temptation reduced to a simple uncontrolled heartbeat, Angelique pretended to not be upset. Connor could still tell something was wrong.
But he said nothing, letting himself fall in between the two older girls as they went to get food.

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