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I waited his response and I was so eager to see what was going to happen now. The rain has now stopped and the house was as quite as my phone itself. Who was I joking, as I said these stuff are not for me. I threw away my phone and headed to the kitchen. When was the last time I ate, honestly I don't remember. I grabbed a cookie and made a hot chocolate to drink, while I opened the TV on and a movie was playing.

It was about a girl who runs from the house away from her husband because he was treating her so bad that you could see on her body more bruises than skin. Her husband was a cop, so when he found out she run away he made a poster with her face on saying that she was a murderer and that needed to be found quickly. She changed then her look and found a guy and both fell in love with each other and everything was fine. When the time passes though her husband founds her, while he had on the right side of his jeans a loaded gun.

I didn't get to see the rest of the movie because a vibration from my phone made me jump. I run to grab it and my smile faded since it was a reminder for the day. Well that's what you get for even thinking about the possibility that this guy, out of nowhere, who send you a message would actually bother to answer back. I went on my mirror and looked at myself wondering what was that something that attracted him to send that message. I was looking at a girl that had green eyes and full lips. Long hair laying on her shoulders and a necklace, with an eye and diamonds around it that was a present from her sister hanging around her neck. I couldn't see something special just an ordinary girl. It was late, I went back to bed and I drowned in my pillow, letting it take me to another the world, somewhere, where I could do anything, on the dreaming world.

I opened my eyes looking into the darkness of the night. It felt like hours has past, but when I checked my phone only ten minutes ago I went to bed. A notification then came on my screen, while i was trying to adjust my eyesight and read what was written cam a second one. My heart skipped a beat.

"How are you? Are you from Greece too?" he replied.

"I'm good, a bit sleepy though. Yes I am how did you know?"

"I checked your photos."

"You did? But, why?"

"You seem kind of interesting so I thought it was worth the shot."

A smile came onto my face. He actually went through this trouble to find out stuff about me which made me kind of happy. My sleep was now long gone and all I wanted was to sit all night on my phone and talk to him, and that's exactly what happened. The time difference from London to Greece was 2 hours back which didn't make it a big deal. I fell asleep seven o'clock in the morning, with the thought that this time I will make everything work out because I have a feeling this guy hides a lot of beautiful stuff that's still to be found, while I fell aslpeep still having my phone in my hands close to my heart.

When I woke up in the afternoon, I had a message that was sent a bit after I fell asleep. "Going to sleep without saying goodnight huh? Don't worry I'm just teasing you. Goodnight." he said. Right beneath it was another one saying "Good morning." Now that's what I call a "good morning", when your day starts with a smile someone made with just one message. I can't possibly be falling for him I just met him; I don't know anything about him its nonsense. Okay time to get my lazy self off the bed, and do something new.

I hit back to Alec a sweet "Good morning" text, and run though my contacts to find a good friend of mine. I messaged her asking if she had some free time for the day and she was thrilled that we would go to a new coffee shop that just had opened. The time was now set and I only had 1 hour at my disposal to get ready, which was so not okay for me. Well then let's make the impossible happen.

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