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"Unbelievable." I laugh angrily as each step makes noise when my feet sink into the piled up snow on the concrete floor. My hot breath forms a clouds in the icy air. I tighten my long furry coat around myself for comfort. I can't feel the cold through my thick skin. The length of my coat falls into the snow and leaves a mark in it as I walk in the blizzard, the wind making a mess of my hair around my shoulders.

"Insane. Crazy. Out of his mind." I stop in front of a tree obstructing my path. I need to get around it.

Actually, no. Why should I.

I kick lazily at the bottom of the trunk with my foot and proudly watch it crumble, breaking the silence surrounding me with a loud crash.

"And he dared imply that this was my fault !" I spat as I walk over it, leaving white footprints behind.

I can see the lights of a small town further ahead and I already hear the laughter of its inhabitants. I successfully reached the depths of the freezing Siberia in a day's trip.

'You mean you fled.'

Of course not, this is extremely important work.

'Avoiding everything won't solve your problems.'

I'm not avoiding anything, I just needed some fresh air.

'You can't get more nature than this, I mean we are literally in the middle of nowhere in a forest of Siberia, surrounded by snow and tall trees during a storm.'

I call it Paradise.

'Then let me out. Until we get to the village. Or better yet, until the next century.'

I don't mind. I shrug.

'Seriously ?!'

Sure. There's nobody around here and even if there was someone you'd just have to kill them.

'Are you feeling alright ?'

Murderously great.

'I see... well then ! In that case I think this is an excellent idea for me to be in charge right now !'

I close my eyes and take a deep breath, filling my lungs to the brim with the cold air. As I focus on the darkness inside my mind, concentrating on the sliver of warm yellow light I feel my bones breaking one after the other, my arms and legs stretching and twisting to weird angles, my nose and mouth elongating into a snout, my ears sharpening and the fur covering my entire body. The sensation is warm and familiar, no longer painful. I turned too many time to feel anything anymore. When I open my eyes again I am a full wolf with sparkling yellow fur shining in the middle of the night and a bright red in my eyes.

Let's see how you like me nagging in your ears all the time. I smirk as my wolf ignores me, running around, analyzing all the scents around us.

My wolf stretches its legs more and more swallowing the distance to her first target.

You're making too much noise.

It stops abruptly to listen to the wind and try to catch the sound of a smaller animal. I hear it at the same time as it does.

I bet it's a rabbit.

Or maybe a mouse.

The beast doesn't wait to lunge in the air catching the tiny squirrel in surprise. Its claws and fangs make fast work of the kill.

Meh ! it's small, not that hard to catch.

I thought you could do better than that.

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