four: are you scared?

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I sat in one of the beach chairs around the fire circle with Vic and Andy on each side of me. We had just finished a discussion about the Kropp brothers, who had finally decided to not hate each other so we wouldnt have to change cabins.

"So how are you dealing with that cabinmate of yours, Pete?"

I looked up, clearly confused. And so Andy continued.

"Hes a little bitch, dont you know? Never talks?"

"I dont see that as much of a problem honestly. Hes leaving me alone. I dont mind that."

"I swear to god hes a psychopath, though. Hes been to this camp the past four years and ive never heard a word from him. Last year, a kid named Joe roomed with him, and he said he saw him rocking back and forth on his bed completely silent for a straight thirty minutes. Creepiest thing he ever saw."

I stared at him in surprise. I had only been in this camp a couple days, and i just thought patrick was shy. Is he really insane?

"Are you scared?" Vic added. "Honestly i would be. Kid's definitely got some problems."

I looked over to where Patrick sat on the front step to our cabin, reading a book.

"Hes probably reading some book about murder or some shit like that," Andy responded in a serious tone, and Vic and i both looked back to him. "Hes a freak."

I returned my gaze to Patrick, and he had disappeared into the cabin, his book left face down on the ground, still open.

Andy shook his head and stood to return to his cabin. Vic and i followed in suit, and i cautiously walked up to my own, picking up the book that had been left on the ground and dusting it off.

A Separate Peace.

I recognized the book and title from reading it freshman year. It wasn't a bad book- obviously, since we read it in school. I took it into the cabin, and after finding Patrick buried under his blankets, i set the book on the nightstand, returning to sit on my own bed, trying to think of something to do to pass the time.

I heard a soft, cracking voice murmur from under the blankets. "Thank you."

So he does talk.

"Whats wrong?" I asked.

He sat up, pushing the blankets off of him and bringing his knees to his chest. "Why were you talking to Andy?"

"Because hes my friend?"

"Andy's a jerk. Always has been, always will be."

His voice continued to get more and more quiet with each word, as if it was diminishing along with confidence. And i felt bad. Yeah, these are the first words im hearing from this kid all week, but he sounds so broken. Could he really be the psychopath Andy says he is?

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