| Chapter 5 |

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{ Y/N P. O . V }

I was really shocked when yoongi kissed me my heart beats so fast, but i really like it his lips are very softttttt "y-yoongi" i cover my lips bc of my shyness, then yoongi pull me to him "let's take a walk" he hold my hands and start walking, "Y/N" he said "y-yes?" I replied "i want to promise you that i will never hurt you, i promise i will love you, take care of you, and to protect my only love" he kiss my cheeks "i also want to promise that with you, i will love you forever yoongi, please don't ever change" i kiss him and he's blushing. After we talk and eat he drove me home.

{ 3RD Person P. O. V}l

Y/N and yoongi had a beautiful week of dating they always hangout, like really like everyday tho, yoongi is really proud when he had y/n in his life, they both promise each other to have a beautiful life, protect each other, and love together and yoongi really gave all his love to y/n, But will they end in a happy ending?.

After 2 years

They both spent each other time, they celebrate their birthdays, they cuddle and do everything. Now y/n lives in yoongi's but yoongi's grandparents move to yoongi's parents. They spent 2 years of loving each other, yoongi never cheat, drunk or hurt y/n, but they always fight because of small problems.

{Yoongi P. O. V}

We've been together for 2 years now, i really want to proposed to y/n but i really don't know when should i propose, now we're on the couch cuddling and watching a movie "baby"i whined then play with her hair "hmmmm?" She said "Do you want a baby?" I ask then i smile "yes but not today" she snob me then i cuddle her "When we got married, i don't want a baby yet" i put my head to her neck "why?" She look at me "i want to travel and do all after we get married" i replied then she nodded. After we watch the movie i saw y/n already sleeping so i get up gently and carry her to our bedroom, i put her on the bed gently then she grab my arm "yahhh" she whined then roll over the bed "what?" I look at her confused "where are you going???" She pull my arms but her eyes are close "I'm going to the bathroom" i hold her hands but she let go then she roll over. After i go to the bathroom i lay beside y/n then hug her then i burried my face to her neck then kiss her before i sleep.

{Y/N P. O. V}

I woke up then seeing yoongi beside me hugging me, i gently remove his arms then go to the bathroom to wash my face then go back to bed. I get back then lay on the bed while yoongi is still sleeping, but after a few minutes he finally woke up "goodmorning baby" yoongi streched and hug me "goodmorning" i hug him back then he asked me hows my sleep then since he was hungry i get up then make him breakfast.

{3RD Person P. O. V}

Yoongi never cheat on y/n in the past 2 years now, but y/n really hope he will not change but something happen, Y/N saw yoongi with a girl that girl is not his friend,cousin or any family member. Yoongi didn't tell y/n who is he hanging with. But yoongi already plan his proposal for y/n, he will gonna propose to her in a few days.

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