| Chapter 10 |

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{ Y/N P. O. V }

It's yoongi..... i regret opening it,

"What are you doing here?" I ask him

"Look y/n please i'm very sorry" he pleaded

"Why? Where's your girl?" i said as i roam my eyes everywhere to see if he's someone with

"I don't have a girl, y/n please i lost my job and my grandparents died!" he yelled and his eyes are getting teary

I feel bad for yoongi, i don't know what to do now

"So that makes me want to go back with you?" I just can't

"I know you wouldn't, But y/n please just let me be the father of our child" He start crying, i feel pain in my heart, i never see yoongi like this

I sighed "Just come in, i'll get you something to eat" i can't endure him, he walk inside to the food section, I grab a plate and gave him plenty of foods, he sit down on the couch beside him

He saw ara walking to him, she hug yoongi's legs and pout, yoongi crunch his nose and squeeze ara's cheek, ara giggled and walk away

"so... that's ara?" he said as he slowly scratching his neck

"um yeah...?" i don't know what to say

"i know you would say no, but please can you give me another chance?" He said

"i don't know, but it's hard for ara to grow up without a father, i know it will hurt her, and me" I replied

"I'll be father! I promise i won't hurt you, please y/n" he kneel infront of me

"I'll give you a chance...." i look away, i was not really sure about my answer

"REALLY?!" he look at me and hold my hands and he looks very happy

I froze, our memories hit my brain, i miss them.

"yes...." i look at him and smile


as months passes everything changed, i become more happier than before, i can take care of ara with yoongi now. Yoongi always treat us, he's more sweet and he always take care of ara, i already trust him.

Now were walking in the park, he hold my hand then he saw me blushing, he look at me and kissed my cheek, i smiled and laugh a little, he put ara down, i smile and start running slowly

"ara go chase mommy!" yoongi smiled and let go of ara, as i was running i looked back and saw ara chasing me adorably, i didn't look away and continue looking at ara, i didn't notice that there was a car coming towards me

"Y/N CAR!!!" yoongi scream and ran to me

Too bad it already hit me....

"Y/N?!?! HONEY PLEASE WAKE UP!" yoongi cupped my face and he start crying

"Yoongi.... w-where's ara...." i can't talk, i can't feel my body

"S-SHE'S HERE, Y/N I ALREADY CALL THE AMBULANCE PLEASE STAY" yoongi said then he pull me closer to him

"take care of ara yoongi...." my eyes are starting to get close, i was losing too much blood

*beep beep*

I woke up then i saw a very bright light i can't feel anything but pain, i can't even feel myself, i think the doctor is operating me

"please tell y-yoongi... i love him till my last breath" i said weakly the doctor is shock but he's focus on the operation, i feel my breath was losing... until i feel my heart is not beating right now...

{ Yoongi P. O. V }

I was so nervous right now i really hope that y/n will be still alive,

I was waiting outside the operation room them i saw the doctor came out with a very sad expression....

"What happen?! please tell me that she's alive..." my eyes are getting teary

"I'm sorry, she lose too much blood we can't do anything, but she said something before she leave this world"

"what is it" my tears are already falling down

"I love you till my last breath" the doctor said and i look at him

"AHHH THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING!" i start punching the wall

"HYUNG!!" i heard her brothers voice

"WHAT HAPPEN?!" he stop me

"Y/N...... she died...." i cried then i saw ara

"where's mommy?" ara patted my legs, i kneel infront of her

"your mommy.... i'm sorry baby...." i look down while crying

"she's gone..." i hug ara, my heart really hurts...

Months passed, i feel so depressed.... i can't ease the pain, it hurts too much, i really miss her, i can't even take care of ara by myself, i feel so weak so i talked to y/n's brother about ara, he accepted my request to take care of ara.

Yoongi: Y/N-Ah

Yoongi: Ara found a new friend!

Yoongi: But my first friend already left me...

Yoongi: Why did you leave so early y/n?

Yoongi: I miss you

Yoongi: Well, it's already late now

Yoongi: Take some rest now y/n

Yoongi: Y/N-Ahhh 😭

I keep chatting her even if she's dead

I was at the building then our memories hit me

Remember the day when we first met

Remember when i had to leave

Remember the day when we met again

Remember the time when i confess to you

Remember that we already had plans for our future

Then to our

first day on a relationship

Our first cuddle

Our first date

Our first kiss

Our first fight

Our first "i love you"

Then to your

Last "i love you"

I can't live without you y/n

Now i was standing at the top of the building, crying

"Y/N-Ah.... i miss you, so bad, just why? why now...... i already have plans for our family y/n, why did you leave early? Ara miss you so much.... You know i can't live without you....."

I cried the slowly go to the edge of the building

I said my last words before i collapse to the building

"See you there y/n"

"I love you too till my last breath"

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