Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

He caresses my cheeck gently before pulling me into a warm embrace. It's just what I needed. His tenderness fills me with courage that had vanished since trying to tell Mrs. Parish that two of her daughters have been kidnapped while I was awake. Gerard squeezes my arms before pulling away.

"Katy, I need to tell you something." His eyes are filled with pain. His pain makes me feel weak.

"What is it Gerard?" I ask him. He takes two steps backwards before taking in a deep breathe. It looks like he's trying to calm himself.

"I need you to listen carefully, and make sure you do exactly what I say. Don't leave any detail out, please." I nod my head to say that I won't let him down. I purse my lips and stand straight, silent. Trying to concentrate. "Kelsey and Taylor are in deep trouble, and you're the only one that knows the directions to where they are." I try to muffle the gasp that slips through my lips.

"Where are they?" I ask, trying to keep calm.

"They're in the barn-," He shifts on the spot, "-and they are minutes away from death. The person that is holding them hostage has a power that I have no where near possesing-" I cut him off and stare at him slack-jawed.

"What do you mean 'powers'. Not only do YOU have powers, but the person that has kidnapped my thrid cousins have powers that are stronger than yours!. This is insane." Though I've heard him talking about possesing powers, it is more of a shock to me now than then. The thought of glowing orbs in his palms excites me, but makes me wonder what kind of powers he actually has, what he means when there is power stronger than his. I mean, seriously? I've had enough shock for one day. Even in my sleep I feel slightly shocked.

"God Katy, I didn't want you to get caught in this mess now." He steps forward to me and takes my hand, lightly rubbing it, keeping me warm. 

"What powers do you posses?" My voice quavers at the word 'powers'. He squeezes my hand tighter and gently lets go. He paces back and forth, muttering "How do I explain?". I wait patiently, tapping my foot on the ground. My feet are bare, so I can feel the grass under my feet, yet...not feel it completely.

I guess this is a dream.

"You know how I told you about there being someone destined to kill you, then maybe someone that is destined to protect you-" He looks to me for an answer. I nod simply and let him continue, "-Well...they posess certain adaptations to help them kill or protect you. These powers can vary, depending which side you are on, and by that, I mean either killing or protecting you. The person who might kill you, may posess the powers to manipulate others or even have an x-ray vision to find you through walls...and e.t.c.-" He speaks so quickly that I struggle to understand each sentence. He continues on, and I listen with anticipation, "But for a protector, they harness powers that can help them with their own destiny. They can recieve powers of hallucination, just in-case the person they are protecting is very scared at that moment, or even the ability to hear thoughts. Only a smidgen of killers are blessed with this power." I try to understand this new knowledge, but I'm slightly confused at one thing though;

"Gerard, are you my protector?" I wait for his reply, hoping that he is my protector. I wonder if it would be legal to date the person you're protecting,well...that just souds silly. Of course you can date someone you're protecting! That would work way better than being a mutual friend or even best friend.

"I'm sorry to say this, but no. I'm not." His eyes start to cloud before this piece of information sinks into my head.

"Wait...You're my killer! It makes sence now! You can manipulate my dreams, that is how you communicate with me in my dreams!" My heart starts to reach an uneven pace. He's going to kill me! Crap! I turn around to face what is behind me.

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