Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"Oh! Well that's great! I'll give you a tour of the school and..."

"I'll show you to your classes, we don't want you to be getting lost, do we?" Naomi butted in, interrupting me rudely. Such a slut.

"Thanks, but I think Katy asked first, isn't that right?" Gerard looks up into my eyes.

I feel like I want to melt, and the throbbing in my hand gets even worse.

"Well, I could help. I was your best pal in primary school!" Naomi exclaims, quickly giving me a death stare behind Gerard's back.

I look down at my watch to see that it's 7:30.

Crap, I have to go soon...

"Um, sorry Gerard, I have to go soon. My mum is going to be back from her date at eight, and I still have to get ready for school tomorrow."

"Oh! Well, it's a shame that you have to go soon. How about I send your dinner for on the go... or even better, I could drop it off."

"Well, that would be nice."

Oh, gosh! He's basically coming over!

"Great, I'll just tell my boss that I have to go a bit early."

He walked off to the man that looked like he was middle aged, his boss, and spoke in a low voice to him.

Naomi sneered at me and walked back to her posse across the road.

 As Gerard returned with the curry in a plastic container, we headed to my car and drove to my house. As we drove, we kept singing along to the songs on the radio, both of us sounding absolutely terrible, but having the most fun ever.

When the song ended and the ads came on, he glanced at me and quickly looked forward again.

I glanced at him and quickly looked back to the road, copying him.

He notices this and we both start laughing. It was as if we were children.

This time he looks at me but doesn't look back. The throbbing in my hand starts to slowly worsen and I quickly glance at it then back at the road.

He looks at my face and sees the pain I'm feeling.

"Are you all right Katy?"

"Not really, my hand is throbbing like crazy."

"Here," He picks up my throbbing hand and the pain quickly goes away as he strokes it.

What the?!

"How did you do that!" I exclaim.

"Do what?" He looks at me, confused.

"My hand isn't throbbing anymore! That's been a pain in my ass ever since I saw you again today."

"I don't know. Magic," he shrugs.

If that was magic, he must be a wizard, I said to myself.

I turn into the driveway of my home and park into my car space. I get out of the car and shut my door a little too hard.

Gerard follows me to the front door. I fiddle with my keys, trying to find the one for the front door, when I notice him closing in on me slowly, a bit too close.

I find the correct key and unlock the door, opening it to reveal the slightly messy house inside.

I walk to the kitchen, Gerard still following, and place the curry on the counter. I grab two forks, open up the plastic containers, and stick each fork in. I thrust the curry to him and walk into the dining area and sit down. He sits down slowly, taking in the scene of my house. He grabs his fork and digs into his curry, while I pick at it and eat a couple of bites, watching as he finishes it in five minutes.

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