Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Ramin's POV///

"Do you think Sierra will like these?" I ask Hadley Fraser as I show him the yellow roses I got Sierra.

"What's her favorite flower?"

"Yellow roses."

"She will love them."

"Good. I'll be right back."

I whistle as I walk to Sierras dressing room.

"I got you some-" I pause, seeing that Sierra is sitting on the floor, crying. "Sie?! What's wrong?"

"Umm... I have to get out of here!" She wipes her eyes and pushes past me. I stand in shock. Not sure what to think. I've never seen her like that.

"Ramin?! What the hell did you do to Sierra?!"

"Nothing... I walked in to give her her flowers and she was on the floor in tears. She said she had to get out of here."

I never thought I'd see Sierra in that shape. She's Sierra. Happy! Ramin she's obviously not as happy as you thought if she was just sobbing.

I run through the stage door and see her sitting on a bench with her knees up to her chest.

"Oh Sie..." I sit next to her. "What happened?"


"Bullshit Sierra. You don't cry for nothing... You were sobbing. You don't have to tell me. Just know... That I'm here for you, my door is always open." I give her a hug. And stand up to leave to give her some space.

"He left me."


"Tam broke off the engagement." She takes a deep breath, "he's moving back to London."

"Oh Sie..." I know how it feels for someone to leave you. It's terrible.

I sit down next to her again and just hold her in my arms.

"Why wasn't I enough Ramin? Why did he stop loving me? He said he loved someone else."

"You are enough, Sierra. He didn't see the best was right in front of him. He must be crazy, I don't know how someone can love someone else, when they have you." I rub her back, "You don't have to perform tonight if you don't feel up to it.."

"Are you kidding? Of course I'm performing..." She smiles at me, "as long as you are performing I am too."

I don't know what happened, but the next thing I know Sierra and I are kissing. Wow.

She pulls back...

"I am so sorry... I uh... Better go finish getting ready... Thank you."

She runs back inside. While I slowly stand up, trying to process what just happened. What just happen? Who kissed who? Why did it feel so... Right?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2014 ⏰

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