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Hey! I hate to disappoint, but I think this is book is done.. however, I would love to keep writing but I don't know what you all are interested in! Feel free to check out my bio for for sure stuff I can write about, but also pleease comment any fics you'd be interested in and want to read! I'll reply, say what I can and will do, and I hope you all have fun!

Here's the rules-
No heavy gore. I'll do light violence, small fights and bruising, but nothing too intense.
NO NSFW. End of. That means no sex scenes of any kind. I'll make jokes but nothing explicit.
Basically, keep suggestions to something a parent could read, because my mum does actually read this (thanks mum ily). She's chill, but, y'know.. no sex. There are limits.
I'm not comfortable writing for some fandoms for various reasons, but here's some things I'm comfortable with and CAN write about!

V for Vendetta (if y'all thirst after v i'm gonna have a heart attack)
Harry Potter
Hunger Games
Percy Jackson and the Olympians
Guild Wars 2 (i know v little about the first game but also if any of you request gw2 stuff i'll die for you)
Assassin's Creed (i've only played the 2,3 and part of 1)
Stardew Valley (i love this game and i love harvey)
Elder Scrolls (only played skyrim and online but i'll play oblivion and morrowwind.. someday)
The Arcana Game (listen. listen. i promise. this is the only dating sim. i've gotten into. i didnt mean to. but i'd murder for the devoraks, i'd murder for mazelinka, and if anyone TOUCHES faust they dead. lucio is a thot and that's the tea)
If it's not up there, still feel free to ask, as I do have older fandoms I can write about. Thank you so much for reading my junk, I love y'all you're all sweethearts, and I hope I can write something you'll enjoy!!

Totally original content will come soon... I hope y'all like fairies. Do tell if you'd like a book with snippets from the thing I'm writing

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2018 ⏰

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