Oct 31

24 5 3

I just got back from Reformation night, so I don't have much time.

Good news! You know how I have been praying for my crush's mother? She had surgery a few weeks ago and since then she has been in a lot of pain. So much pain she couldn't do anything, she could barely even walk. Yesterday she woke up and was completely pain free!!! She walked all around her house with no pain and today she walked around the block and had absolutely no pain!!! It is so amazing!!!

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for everything You do for us and thank You especially for healing Mrs. VV! I am so happy, she is so happy and everyone is so thankful! Thank You so much Father. Please let her continue to be pain free and make a full recovery. Thank you. Father please be near my pastor as he tries to figure out if it is Your will or not for him to accept the call he has received. Thank You for blessing my church for so long with him. Thank You for the Reformation, thank you that the truth of Your Word is not oppressed by the Catholic Church as much. Thank you that Your Kingdom is coming, there are so many people that believe Your truth. Please continue to bless all Your missionaries, I think especially of the pastor I met at work today, pastor Z and pastor Pursuad. Please continue to bless and keep everyone in my prayer journal, in Jesus's name, Amen

Daily Bible Reading and Prayer, KJV, May 10-Nov 9, 2018, Acts to Hebrews Where stories live. Discover now