Aria turned her project in at the end of class so no one could see. A day later all the students got their projects back and on the back of both of them it said give to Aria. So Aria got both of them back and Hannah looked at her confused. So at the end of class, the teacher (Mr. Stable) wanted to talk to Aria.
Mr. Stable:"Aria why did you get two projects back?"
Mr.Stable looked at her with confusen and disappointment.
Aria: "I was working with Jackson, not Hannah and the others"
Mr.Stable:"Oh I thought you were"
Aria:"Yeah, I was then i changed my mind"
Aria:"My apologies I forgot to tell you"
Mr.Stable:"It's ok, now go to class"
At lunch.... Hey Aria, Hannah said
Hey, said Aria
Hannah:"I was just wondering why did you get two projects back today?"
Aria:"....The one,was Jackson's he wanted to show me how well he did."
Hannah:" Yeah, I got the text, sorry he couldn't do it this us"
Aria:"It's ok"
Hannah:" Who did he do it with?"
Hannah:" Just wondering"
Aria:"His friend Jonas.....WHY SO MANY QUESTIONS?!!"
Aria left the table